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Appendix 1. Modula-2 syntax

The syntax of the Modula-2 language is described using Extended Backus Naur-Formalism (EBNF) notation.

  • if a construct A consists of B followed by C, A is described by the formula A = BC
  • if a construct A consists of B or C, A is described by the formula A = B|C
  • if a construct A may be either B or nothing (empty), this is expressed as : A = [B]
  • if a construct A consists of the concatenation of any number of Bs (including none), this is denoted by A = {B}


The rule: ident = letter {letter | digit} can be read as: an identifier is a sequence of letters and numbers that starts with a letter.

compilation module =
 program module | definition module | implementation module ;

program module =
 "MODULE", module identifier, [interrupt protection], semicolon,
 import lists,
 module block, module identifier, period ;

module identifier =
 identifier ;

definition module =
 "DEFINITION", "MODULE", module identifier, semicolon,
 import lists, definitions,
 "END", module identifier, period ;

implementation module =
 "IMPLEMENTATION", "MODULE", module identifier,
 [interrupt protection], semicolon,
 import lists,
 module block, module identifier, period ;

interrupt protection =
 left bracket, protection expression, right bracket ;

protection expression =
 constant expression ;

module block =
 declarations, [module body], "END" ;

module body =
 initialization body, [finalization body] ;

initialization body =
 "BEGIN", block body ;

finalization body =
 "FINALLY", block body ;

block body =
 normal part, ["EXCEPT", exceptional part ] ;

normal part =
 statement sequence ;

exceptional part =
 statement sequence ;

import lists =
 { import list } ;

import list =
 simple import | unqualified import ;

simple import =
 "IMPORT", identifier list, semicolon ;

unqualified import =
 "FROM", module identifier, "IMPORT", identifier list, semicolon ;

export list =
 unqualified export | qualified export ;

unqualified export =
 "EXPORT", identifier list, semicolon ;

qualified export =
 "EXPORT", "QUALIFIED", identifier list, semicolon ;

qualified identifier =
 { qualifying identifier, period }, identifier ;

qualifying identifier =
 module identifier ;

definitions =
 { definition } ;

definition =
 "CONST", { constant declaration, semicolon } |
 "TYPE", { type definition, semicolon } |
 "VAR", { variable declaration, semicolon } |
 procedure heading, semicolon ;

procedure heading =
 proper procedure heading | function procedure heading ;

type definition =
 type declaration | opaque type definition ;

opaque type definition =
 identifier ;

declarations =
 { declaration } ;

declaration =
 "CONST", { constant declaration, semicolon }  |
 "TYPE", { type declaration, semicolon }  |
 "VAR", { variable declaration, semicolon }  |
 procedure declaration, semicolon  |
 local module declaration, semicolon ;

constant declaration =
 identifier, equals, constant expression ;

type declaration =
 identifier, equals, type denoter ;

variable declaration =
 variable identifier list, colon, type denoter ;

variable identifier list =
 identifier, [ machine address], { comma, identifier, [machine address] } ;

machine address =
 left bracket, value of address type, right bracket ;

value of address type =
 constant expression ;

procedure declaration =
 proper procedure declaration | function procedure declaration ;

proper procedure declaration =
 proper procedure heading, semicolon,
 ( proper procedure block, procedure identifier | "FORWARD" ) ;

procedure identifier =
 identifier ;

proper procedure heading =
 "PROCEDURE", procedure identifier, [formal parameters] ;

formal parameters =
 left parenthesis, [formal parameter list], right parenthesis ;

formal parameter list =
 formal parameter, { semicolon, formal parameter } ;

proper procedure block =
 declarations, [procedure body], "END" ;

procedure body =
 "BEGIN", block body ;

function procedure declaration =
 function procedure heading, semicolon,
 ( function procedure block, procedure identifier | "FORWARD" ) ;

function procedure heading =
 "PROCEDURE", procedure identifier, formal parameters,
 colon, function result type ;

function result type =
 type identifier ;

function procedure block =
 declarations, function body, "END" ;

function body =
 "BEGIN", block body ;

formal parameter =
 value parameter specification | variable parameter specification ;

value parameter specification =
 identifier list, colon, formal type ;

variable parameter specification =
 "VAR", identifier list, colon, formal type ;

local module declaration =
 "MODULE", module identifier, [interrupt protection], semicolon,
 import lists,
 [export list],
 module block, module identifier ;

type denoter =
 type identifier | new type ;

ordinal type denoter =
 ordinal type identifier | new ordinal type ;

type identifier =
 qualified identifier ;

ordinal type identifier =
 type identifier ;

new type =
 new ordinal type |
 set type  |
 packedset type  |
 pointer type  |
 procedure type  |
 array type  |
 record type ;

new ordinal type =
 enumeration type | subrange type ;

enumeration type =
 left parenthesis, identifier list, right parenthesis ;

identifier list =
 identifier, { comma, identifier } ;

subrange type =
 [range type], left bracket, constant expression, ellipsis,
 constant expression, right bracket ;

range type =
 ordinal type identifier ;

set type =
 "SET", "OF", base type ;

base type =
 ordinal type denoter ;

packedset type =
 "PACKEDSET", "OF", base type ;

pointer type =
 "POINTER", "TO", bound type ;

bound type =
 type denoter ;

procedure type =
 proper procedure type | function procedure type ;

proper procedure type =
 [left parenthesis, [formal parameter type list], right parenthesis] ;

function procedure type =
 "PROCEDURE", left parenthesis, [formal parameter type list],
 right parenthesis,  colon, function result type ;

formal parameter type list =
 formal parameter type, { comma, formal parameter type } ;

formal parameter type =
 variable formal type | value formal type ;

variable formal type =
 "VAR", formal type ;

value formal type =
 formal type ;

formal type =
 type identifier | open array formal type ;

open array formal type =
 "ARRAY", "OF", open array component type ;

open array component type =
 formal type ;

array type =
 "ARRAY", index type, { comma, index type }, "OF", component type ;

index type =
 ordinal type denoter ;

component type =
 type denoter ;

record type =
 "RECORD", field list, "END" ;

field list =
 fields, { semicolon, fields } ;

fields =
 [fixed fields | variant fields] ;

fixed fields =
 identifier list, colon, field type ;

field type =
 type denoter ;

variant fields =
 "CASE", tag field, "OF", variant list, "END" ;

tag field =
 [tag identifier], colon, tag type ;

tag identifier =
 identifier ;

tag type =
 ordinal type identifier ;

variant list =
 variant, { case separator, variant },
 [variant else part] ;

variant else part =
 "ELSE", field list ;

variant =
 [variant label list, colon, field list] ;

variant label list =
 variant label, { comma, variant label } ;

variant label =
 constant expression, [ellipsis, constant expression] ;

statement =
 empty statement |
 assignment statement |
 procedure call |
 return statement |
 retry statement |
 with statement |
 if statement |
 case statement |
 while statement |
 repeat statement |
 loop statement |
 exit statement |
 for statement ;

statement sequence =
 statement, { semicolon, statement } ;

empty statement =

assignment statement =
 variable designator, assignment operator, expression ;

procedure call =
 procedure designator, [actual parameters] ;

procedure designator =
 value designator ;

actual parameters =
 left parenthesis, [actual parameter list], right parenthesis ;

actual parameter list =
 actual parameter, { comma, actual parameter } ;

actual parameter =
 variable designator | expression | type parameter ;

type parameter =
 type identifier ;

return statement =
 simple return statement | function return statement ;

simple return statement =

function return statement =
 "RETURN", expression ;

retry statement =
 "RETRY" ;

with statement =
 "WITH", record designator, "DO", statement sequence, "END" ;

record designator =
 variable designator | value designator ;

if statement =
 guarded statements, [if else part], "END" ;

guarded statements =
 "IF", boolean expression, "THEN", statement sequence,
 { "ELSIF", boolean expression, "THEN", statement sequence } ;

if else part =
 "ELSE", statement sequence ;

boolean expression =
 expression ;

case statement =
 "CASE", case selector, "OF", case list, "END" ;

case selector =
 ordinal expression ;

case list =
 case alternative, { case separator, case alternative }, [case else part] ;

case else part =
 "ELSE", statement sequence ;

case alternative =
 [case label list, colon, statement sequence] ;

case label list =
 case label, { comma, case label } ;

case label =
 constant expression, [ellipsis, constant expression] ;

while statement =
 "WHILE", boolean expression, "DO", statement sequence, "END" ;

repeat statement =
 "REPEAT", statement sequence, "UNTIL", boolean expression ;

loop statement =
 "LOOP", statement sequence, "END" ;

exit statement =
 "EXIT" ;

for statement =
 "FOR", control variable identifier, assignment operator, initial value,
 "TO", final value,
 ["BY", step size],
 statement sequence, "END" ;

control variable identifier =
 identifier ;

initial value =
 ordinal expression ;

final value =
 ordinal expression ;

step size =
 constant expression ;

variable designator =
 entire designator |
 indexed designator |
 selected designator |
 dereferenced designator ;

entire designator =
 qualified identifier ;

indexed designator =
 array variable designator,
 left bracket, index expression, { comma, index expression },
 right bracket ;

array variable designator =
 variable designator ;

index expression =
 ordinal expression ;

selected designator =
 record variable designator, period, field identifier ;

record variable designator =
 variable designator ;

field identifier =
 identifier ;

dereferenced designator =
 pointer variable designator, dereferencing operator ;

pointer variable designator =
 variable designator ;

expression =
 simple expression, [relational operator, simple expression] ;

simple expression =
 [sign], term, { term operator, term } ;

term =
 factor, { factor operator, factor } ;

factor =
 left parenthesis, expression, right parenthesis |
 logical negation operator, factor |
 value designator |
 function call |
 value constructor |
 constant literal ;

relational operator =
 equals operator |
 inequality operator |
 less than operator |
 greater than operator |
 less than or equal operator |
 subset operator |
 greater than  or equal operator |
 superset operator |
 set membership operator ;

term operator =
 plus operator |
 set union operator |
 minus operator |
 set difference operator |
 logical disjunction operator |
 string catenate symbol ;

factor operator =
 multiplication operator |
 set intersection operator |
 division operator |
 symmetric set difference operator |
 rem operator |
 div operator |
 mod operator |
 logical conjunction operator ;

value designator =
 entire value |
 indexed value |
 selected value |
 dereferenced value ;

entire value =
 qualified identifier ;

indexed value =
 array value, left bracket,
 index expression, { comma, index expression },
 right bracket ;

array value =
 value designator ;

selected value =
 record value, period, field identifier ;

record value =
 value designator ;

dereferenced value =
 pointer value, dereferencing operator ;

pointer value =
 value designator ;

function call =
 function designator, actual parameters ;

function designator =
 value designator ;

value constructor =
 array constructor | record constructor | set constructor ;

array constructor =
 array type identifier, array constructed value ;

array type identifier =
 type identifier ;

array constructed value =
 left brace, repeated structure component,
 { comma, repeated structure component },
 right brace ;

repeated structure component =
 structure component, ["BY", repetition factor] ;

repetition factor =
 constant expression ;

structure component =
 expression |
 array constructed value |
 record constructed value |
 set constructed value ;

record constructor =
 record type identifier, record constructed value ;

record type identifier =
 type identifier ;

record constructed value =
 left brace,
 [structure component, { comma, structure component }],
 right brace ;

set constructor =
 set type identifier, set constructed value ;

set type identifier =
 type identifier ;

set constructed value =
 left brace, [member, { comma, member }], right brace ;

member =
 interval |  singleton ;

interval =
 ordinal expression, ellipsis, ordinal expression ;

singleton =
 ordinal expression ;

constant literal =
 whole number literal |
 real literal |
 string literal ;

ordinal expression =
 expression ;

constant expression =
 expression ;

Source : ISO/IEC 10514-1