Installation directory structure

doc Documentation files. For example readme.txt.
def RTL DEF files common for a targeted platforms
mod RTL MOD files common for a targeted platforms
isodef ISO RTL DEF files, common to all platforms
isomod ISO RTL MOD files, common to all platforms
asm Miscellaneous ASM files and the assembled OBJ files
ia32mod RTL MOD files specific to the IA-32 processor architecture.
sparc32mod RTL MOD files specific to the SPARC processor.
ia16def RTL DEF files common to Intel 16-bit platforms
ia16mod RTL MOD files common to Intel 16-bit platforms
win32def RTL DEF files specific to Win32
win32mod RTL MOD files specific to Win32
win32apidef Win32 API interface files
win32apimod Win32 API interface files
unixdef Portable UNIX API interface files
unixmod Portable UNIX API interface files
advapidef RTL DEF files for the so called portable "advanced" APIs
advapimod RTL MOD files for the so called portable "advanced" APIs.
cryptodef RTL DEF files associated with encrpytion
cryptomod RTL MOD files associated with encrpytion
dos32def RTL DEF files specific to X32
dos32mod RTL MOD files specific to X32
win16def RTL DEF files specific to Win16
win16mod RTL MOD files specific to Win16
dos16def RTL DEF files specific to 16-bit DOS
dos16mod RTL MOD files specific to 16-bit DOS
gldef OpenGL interface files
glmod OpenGL interface files
comlibdef Support files for COM objects via IDL2M2
comlibmod Support files for COM objects via IDL2M2
tsdef TopSpeed library DEF files
tsmod TopSpeed library IMP files

File descriptions:

m2ia32 The compiler for 32-bit IA-32 targets
m2ia16 The compiler for 16-bit Intel targets
m2sparc32 The compiler for 32-bit SPARC targets
m2e The development environment
env.hlp The environment help file. Windows only.
zip, unzip, pipedexec Used by the environment.
sbd The debugger
sbdw16 The 16-bit Windows debugger
sbd.hlp The debugger help file. Windows only.
sbdx32 The debugger for X32 32-bit DOS extended programs
sbddos The debugger for 16-bit DOS programs
analyze The profiler sample analyzer
analyze.hlp The analyzer help file. Windows only.
sblink The linker.
packit The debug info compressor and formatter.
sblib The object librarian.
resedit The resource editor. Both 32-bit and 16-bit resource files.
resedit.hlp The resource editor help file
bmp2gif, resedit.vk Used by the resource editor
idl2m2 The IDL language compiler. Generates Modula-2 source code.
idl2m2.chm Help file for IDL2M2. This is an HTML help file.
win32api.lib LIB file to resolve WIN32 API calls.
win16api.lib LIB file to resolve WIN16 API calls.
winstub.exe The stub program used for Win32 and Win16 programs.
sbdump A utility to dump binary files in a readable format. Objects, executables, etc...
rebase A utility to change the load address of Win32 programs. You can also arrange a group of DLL's so that they do not overlap, and therefore do not need to have fixups applied at load time. Source included.
stripdebug A utility to remove all debug information from COFF OBJ and LIB files. Source included.
diff A text file difference program. Source included.
whereis A utility to find a file in a given path. Source included.
search A utility to find a text string in one or more files. Source included.
switchname A utility to change Modula-2 source filename to and from long or short form. Source included.
replace A utility to update a file from one directory to another. If the file exists and the source is newer the destination is updated. If the destination does not exist then it is created. Source included.
template.* Files that are used as a template when creating new modules from the environment
default.dic The auto correct dictionary for the default user. Note: The default logged in user is named "default".
examples A directory structure containing example programs
html A directory where the HTML help files exist for the environment and debugger on Unix platforms.
upshot.exe, x32-vm.mnl The documentation for the 32-bit DOS extender included with this development system is included in disk based form. The program upshot.exe is a viewer for the manual X-32VM.MNL.