Runtime Library Overview

Ada95 standard library packages.

The Ada95 library is organized in a hierarchy as child packagesof a single root package Ada.


This is the root package in the Ada95 library. This package doesnot define any types, constants or procedures.


This package provides rudimentary functionality for using datesand times. See the SbsSysClock package for more complete support.


This package is root package of all character packages. Thispackage does not define any types, constants or procedures.


This package provides procedure for manipulation of the characterand wide_character types.


This package replaces the ASCII package in the Standard package.The ASCII package is still defined but this package is the preferred package.


This package provides procedures for accessing the command lineused to run a program.


This package provides more extensive support for raising andhandling exceptions.


This package is the root package for numeric packages and definesmathematical constants and numeric exceptions.


This package is a generic package that defines a standard setof mathematical functions.

These packages are instantiations of the generic package forspecific floating point types.


This package provides procedures for reading and writing homogeneousfiles and pipes in binary format. You can access the file in a random manner.


This package provides procedures for reading and writing homogeneousfiles and pipes in binary format. You can access the file in a sequential mannerfrom a given point to the end of the file.


This package defines the various exceptions predefined and usedby the Ada library IO packages.


This package is the root package of all string manipulation packages.This package also defines some constants and types used by the various string packages.


This package provides procedures for manipulation of fixed sizestrings. The size of the string is the allocated size, never more, never less.


This package defines type and constants for using character maps(character sets).


This package defines constants for some commonly used charactermaps.


This package provides procedures for reading and writing files,pipes and text console in human readable text format. The package provides basicstring functions and generic packages for integer and floating point types.

The following packages are instantiations of the generic packagesin the Text_IO package for specific types. The type is identified by the name ofthe package.

All of the following packages are specific to Stony BrookAda95.


This package provides procedures to access environment stringsand the command line string.


This package provides procedures to execute programs and commandinterpreter commands.


This package provides numeric conversions for Integer, Long_Integertypes.


This package provides procedures for calculating an elapsed timebetween two procedure calls and executing timed delays.


This package provides procedures for generating fast pseudo randomnumber sequences of type Natural.


This package provides procedures for generating fast pseudo randomnumber sequences to type Float.


This package provides provides extensive flexibility and capabilityfor dealing with disk storage devices and pipes.


This package provides a procedure that will generate a formattedstring from a format template string and a variable number of format items such asInteger and String.


This package provides procedures for filling and moving memoryregions.


This package provides extensive flexibility and capability indealing with dynamic memory allocation.


This package provides procedures to manipulate String types.These string types have a compile time fixed maximum size and a dynamic runtime sizedetermined by a null character terminator. These strings are suitable for interfacingwith operating systems and other languages.


This package provides functions for generating a 32-bit CRC.


This package provides functions for sorting data.


This package provides functions for manipulating bit vectors.Bit vectors are very similar to sets.


This package provides a simple method of setting the defaultheap in SbsStorage to debug mode. This package is useful when you have package initializationcode that allocates memory. To use this package you simply import it as the firstpackage imported in your main program source file.


This package is only available for 32-bit DOS extended applications. It provides procedures for accessing real mode memory addresses from 32-bitprotected mode.