Stony Brook Modula-2 archive
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 1992-2004 *)
(* by Stony Brook Software *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. *)
(* *)
This module provides an encapsulation of the underlying operating system
interface for handling windows and messages.
no operating system types, constants or procedures are exported from
this module. therefore any code that uses this module will not change
when ported to another system.
This module does not try to create a "very high level" interface.
It mostly maps itself directly to the underlying system. However, there
is some functionality not typically provided by typical system API calls.
This module does not attempt to map the entire underlying system.
Features are added to this module on an as needed basis. In other words,
why write the code, if it has no immediate use.
GTK+ 1.2
Macintosh Carbon OS X (using the p1 compiler)
(* implementation limitations
ScaleDrawableArea requires GDI+ be installed to use interpolation modes
other than InterpLowQuality. If GDI+ is not available then InterpLowQuality
is always used.
LoadBitmap and LoadBitmapFromFile require GDI+ to load JPEG, TIFF, GIF and PNG
graphics formats. If GDI+ is not available then these formats cannot be
(* about resources.
See also, SetResourceFile API call in this module.
Resource name identifiers.
Resource names are not case sensitive.
Resource names can consist of two parts, a name and an id number.
Windows supports resources identified by name or number.
On GTK resources are identified by name.
On the Mac resources are identified by id number and have an optional name.
Name formats accepted.
This module will break apart resource names into its respective components.
For portability across all platforms use the Name or Name#number format.
For portability across Win32 and GTK use the Name format.
For portability across Win32 and Mac you can use any format.
Since Windows supports named and numbered resources and a WinShell resource
identifier can have a name and number this module first searches for the
named resource and then searches for the numbered resource.
Classic Mac resources are primarily identified by number if you use
the Name#number format the number is used, so the number should be correct.
If you do not supply a number this module will find the resource by name
and then get the resource id number from the found resource. It is done
this way because many APIs like GetMenu, GetNewMBar and GetPicture do not
support named resources and only support resource id numbers.
Windows - normal Windows resources are used.
An accelerator table resource needs to have the same name
as the menu resource it is associated with.
Additional "bitmap" resource types are supported in addition to the
Windows native bitmap format.
JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF formats are supported.
Gdi+ is used to load these formats.
When loading a bitmap from the resource file this module first looks
for a native bitmap resource of the given name, and if this is not found
then looks for JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF resources in that order.
JPEG resources are identified by the "JPEG" resource type.
PNG resources are identified by the "PNG" resource type.
GIF resources are identified by the "GIF" resource type.
TIFF resources are identified by the "TIFF" resource type.
LoadBitmapFromFile also supports these formats.
Gtk - The concept of resources does not exist in the Unix toolkit
world, and Gtk is no exception.
We use a combination of various files to get the same effect.
Dialogs - Glade XML files.
For further information consult DlgShell.
Menu's and accelerators. Glade XML files.
Create a window in glade, mark the window as NOT visible.
The name of the window is the name of your menu resource.
Put your menubar into this window. The menu bar name must be named
"menubar". The accelerators you define in the menubar will be used.
For accelerators not tied to a menu item you create a menu in
your menubar named "hiddenaccel" and put your accelerators
on menu items within this menu. This menu will be hidden by
this module.
Popup menus are glade popup menu resources.
String table - Proprietary format used by this module.
This file format is the one that the Win32 resource editor uses
to export/import string tables to stand alone files.
IdNumber = "...
IdNumber = the string id number
'=' the equal character.
'"' the double quote character.
The string is all data after the '"' character to the end of
the line.
Carriage return, line feed, tab, and backspace characters are
in "escape" notation. These characters are converted to binary
format when the string is loaded.
\r = Carriage return = CHR(13). ignored on Unix systems.
\n = line feed (new line) = CHR(10)
\t = tab = CHR(9)
\b = backspace = CHR(8)
\\ = \ backslash character.
Bitmaps - Proprietary format used by this module.
This is a text file that describes the resource name
and the associated bitmap file to load. Therefore each
bitmap resource is an individual file. The bitmap file names
can be relative file names that are relative to the bitmap
resource file.
libgdk_pixbuf is used to load bitmaps, it must be installed!
ResourceName = FileName
where ResoruceName and FileName must be enclosed in double quote
Only one resource description entry per line.
"Splash" = "pixmaps/splash.png"
Assuming the resource file is in directory "/opt/MyCompany",
then the full path of the example bitmap file is
Bitmap resource files can be any graphics file format supported
by the Gdk Pixbuf library.
This includes
LoadBitmapFromFile can load any image format that GTK supports.
Macintosh - In flux. Only Classic for now. In the future Dialogs and menus
will only support Interface Builder.
Classic Mac resources.
We suggest you use the Resorcerer program for creating and editing
your Mac resources.
Resources used internally by this module all have id numbers
32000 or higher.
Interface builder.
Not yet supported.
Menus - Mac standard + extended information generated by Resorcerer.
Create your menus with Resorcerer and enter the menu id number in the
"command Id" field. Resorcerer automatically generates a resource type
"Mcmd" which contains the menu item command id numbers. This module
loads and parses this resource and sets the menu item command id numbers.
String Table - Proprietary format or standard Mac format.
Proprietary format.
See the GTK string table resource documentation for the table format.
This format does not have a 255 character limit.
The resource type is "strX" and the resource id number is 128.
Mac classic.
TEXT and STR# resources.
The STR# resource id must be 128.
STR# string lists have an individual string limit of 255 characters.
Therefore this module will try and load a TEXT resource of the given
string id number. if that fails then it will try to load the string
from the STR# resource.
Mac classic.
This can be a PICT or cicn resource.
the cicn (color icon) resource is handy for small bitmaps.
Additional "bitmap" resource types are supported in addition to the
native formats.
BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF formats are supported.
Quicktime is used to load these formats.
When loading a bitmap from the resource file this module first looks
for a native bitmap resource of the given name, and if this is not found
then looks for BMP(Window bitmap), JPEG, PNG, TIFF and GIF
resources in that order.
BMP resources are identified by the "WRLE" (kBMPCodecType) resource type.
JPEG resources are identified by the "jpeg" (kJPEGCodecType) resource type.
PNG resources are identified by the "png " (kPNGCodecType) resource type.
GIF resources are identified by the "gif " (kGIFCodecType) resource type.
TIFF resources are identified by the "tiff" (kTIFFCodecType) resource type.
LoadBitmapFromFile can load any image format that Quicktime supports which
is considerable.
(* about threads
Win32 - you may use the GUI features in a fully multi threaded manner.
Gtk - Only one thread, the main thread, may use the GUI features.
Mac - Currently only one thread, the main thread, may use the GUI features.
In all systems you can have any thread safely use the LoadString API.
In all systems you can have a background thread send or post a message
to a window. For send, the background thread will wait until the message is
received and processed by the UI thread before returning from the
send message call.
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
(* a hack so we can do editing and compiling for syntax of Mac code
using our compiler. *)
%IF p1 %THEN(*how we signal compiling Mac code*)
<*ASSIGN (AlignModelPPC, TRUE)*>
fix me
(* Stony Brook compilers implement an extension that allows opaque types to be
compatible with NIL outside of their native implementation module.
For compilers not supporting this feature you use these constants to assign
and compare variables of the respective opaque type with NIL.
NIL_Window = CAST(Window, NIL);
NIL_Drawable = CAST(Drawable, NIL);
NIL_DrawContext = CAST(DrawContext, NIL);
NIL_TreeClientNode = CAST(TreeClientNode, NIL);
NIL_MenuHandle = CAST(MenuHandle, NIL);
NIL_BitmapHandle = CAST(BitmapHandle, NIL);
NIL_ImageListHandle = CAST(ImageListHandle, NIL);
NIL_FontHandle = CAST(FontHandle, NIL);
NIL_PrintDriverInfo = CAST(PrintDriverInfo, NIL);
WindowTypes = (ToplevelWindow, ChildWindow);
ToplevelWindow - a normal Window.
ChildWindow - a window that is child of a TabClient or SplitterClient window.
ClientTypes = (DrawClient,
ListClient, TreeClient, FormClient,
TabClient, SplitterClient);
!!! not yet implemented
GTK => the FormClient form editor is not implemented.
The FormClient is functional.
DrawClient - a free form area in which you can draw anything you like.
it is your responsibility to redraw the area on demand.
see WSM_PAINT message.
see SetBackgroundAutoErase
ListClient - displays a list of items.
the list may have one or more columns.
the list may have a header window describing said columns.
TreeClient - a typical hierarchical tree display that can be expanded
and contracted.
FormClient - an area in which you can place various "controls" like typically
used in dialog boxes. In fact you can use this client type in
a toplevel window to create "dialog boxes". even modal ones.
TabClient - like notebook tabs.
Each tab can contain any client window type.
you can have single or multi-line tabs.
you can have as many tabs as you want. in single line mode
the user can scroll left/right through the tabs. in milti-line
mode all tabs are always visible and the tab content rect gets
smaller and smaller as more tab lines are created.
single a multi-line tabs are supported.
only single line tabs are supported.
only single line tabs are supported.
However, the Mac control cannot scroll tabs.
Therefore, you can only have as many tabs as can
be display in the window. this of course varies depending on the
size of window at any given time.
TabClient Multiple Document Interface.
If a ToplevelWindow client type is TabClient then the individual
tab client children may have a unique menu and this module will
automatically switch the ToplevelWindow menubar to the menu of the
currently active tab client. if the tab client does not have a
menu, or if no tab clients are open, then the ToplevelWindow menu
becomes active.
SplitterClient - splits a region into two parts. Each part may contain any
client window type. The region may be split vertically
or horizontally.
The relative proportions of each part are user sizable.
TabPosition = (TabTop, TabBottom, TabLeft, TabRight);
TextAlignment = (AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRight);
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
StringData = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF CHAR;
StringData = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(8*1024)-1] OF CHAR;
fix me
ColorValue = CARDINAL;
(* in hex notation the color value components are. AABBGGRRh
RR = red. the low order byte.
GG = green
BB = blue
AA = alpha channel. currently not used.
CommonColors =
(* SVG standard colors *)
(* other colors *)
CommonColorsArray = ARRAY CommonColors OF ColorValue;
Colors = CommonColorsArray{
(*AliceBlue*) 0FFF8F0h,
(*AntiqueWhite*) 0D7EBFAh,
(*Aqua*) 0FFFF00h,
(*Aquamarine*) 0D4FF7Fh,
(*Azure*) 0FFFFF0h,
(*Beige*) 0DCF5F5h,
(*Bisque*) 0C4E4FFh,
(*Black*) 0000000h,
(*BlanchedAlmond*) 0CDEBFFh,
(*Blue*) 0FF0000h,
(*BlueViolet*) 0E22B8Ah,
(*Brown*) 02A2AA5h,
(*BurlyWood*) 087B8DEh,
(*CadetBlue*) 0A09E5Fh,
(*Chartreuse*) 000FF7Fh,
(*Chocolate*) 01E69D2h,
(*Coral*) 0507FFFh,
(*CornflowerBlue*) 0ED9564h,
(*Cornsilk*) 0DCF8FFh,
(*Crimson*) 03C14DCh,
(*Cyan*) 0FFFF00h,
(*DarkBlue*) 08B0000h,
(*DarkCyan*) 08B8B00h,
(*DarkGoldenrod*) 00B86B8h,
(*DarkGray*) 0A9A9A9h,
(*DarkGreen*) 0006400h,
(*DarkKhaki*) 06BB7BDh,
(*DarkMagenta*) 08B008Bh,
(*DarkOliveGreen*) 02F6B55h,
(*DarkOrange*) 0008CFFh,
(*DarkOrchid*) 0CC3299h,
(*DarkRed*) 000008Bh,
(*DarkSalmon*) 07A96E9h,
(*DarkSeaGreen*) 08BBC8Fh,
(*DarkSlateBlue*) 08B3D48h,
(*DarkSlateGray*) 04F4F2Fh,
(*DarkTurquoise*) 0D1CE00h,
(*DarkViolet*) 0D30094h,
(*DeepPink*) 09314FFh,
(*DeepSkyBlue*) 0FFBF00h,
(*DimGray*) 0696969h,
(*DodgerBlue*) 0FF901Eh,
(*Firebrick*) 02222B2h,
(*FloralWhite*) 0F0FAFFh,
(*ForestGreen*) 0228B22h,
(*Fuchsia*) 0FF00FFh,
(*Gainsboro*) 0DCDCDCh,
(*GhostWhite*) 0FFF8F8h,
(*Gold*) 000D7FFh,
(*Goldenrod*) 020A5DAh,
(*Gray*) 0808080h,
(*Green*) 0008000h,
(*GreenYellow*) 02FFFADh,
(*Honeydew*) 0F0FFF0h,
(*HotPink*) 0B469FFh,
(*IndianRed*) 05C5CCDh,
(*Indigo*) 082004Bh,
(*Ivory*) 0F0FFFFh,
(*Khaki*) 08CE6F0h,
(*Lavender*) 0FAE6E6h,
(*LavenderBlush*) 0F5F0FFh,
(*LawnGreen*) 000FC7Ch,
(*LemonChiffon*) 0CDFAFFh,
(*LightBlue*) 0E6D8ADh,
(*LightCoral*) 08080F0h,
(*LightCyan*) 0FFFFE0h,
(*LightGoldenrodYellow*) 0D2FAFAh,
(*LightGray*) 0D3D3D3h,
(*LightGreen*) 090EE90h,
(*LightPink*) 0C1B6FFh,
(*LightSalmon*) 07AA0FFh,
(*LightSeaGreen*) 0AAB220h,
(*LightSkyBlue*) 0FACE87h,
(*LightSlateGray*) 0998877h,
(*LightSteelBlue*) 0DEC4B0h,
(*LightYellow*) 0E0FFFFh,
(*Lime*) 000FF00h,
(*LimeGreen*) 032CD32h,
(*Linen*) 0E6F0FAh,
(*Magenta*) 0FF00FFh,
(*Maroon*) 0000080h,
(*MediumAquamarine*) 0AACD66h,
(*MediumBlue*) 0CD0000h,
(*MediumOrchid*) 0D355BAh,
(*MediumPurple*) 0DB7093h,
(*MediumSeaGreen*) 071B33Ch,
(*MediumSlateBlue*) 0EE687Bh,
(*MediumSpringGreen*) 09AFA00h,
(*MediumTurquoise*) 0CCD148h,
(*MediumVioletRed*) 08515C7h,
(*MidnightBlue*) 0701919h,
(*MintCream*) 0FAFFF5h,
(*MistyRose*) 0E1E4FFh,
(*Moccasin*) 0B5E4FFh,
(*NavajoWhite*) 0ADDEFFh,
(*Navy*) 0800000h,
(*OldLace*) 0E6F5FDh,
(*Olive*) 0008080h,
(*OliveDrab*) 0238E6Bh,
(*Orange*) 000A5FFh,
(*OrangeRed*) 00045FFh,
(*Orchid*) 0D670DAh,
(*PaleGoldenrod*) 0AAE8EEh,
(*PaleGreen*) 098FB98h,
(*PaleTurquoise*) 0EEEEAFh,
(*PaleVioletRed*) 09370DBh,
(*PapayaWhip*) 0D5EFFFh,
(*PeachPuff*) 0B9DAFFh,
(*Peru*) 03F85CDh,
(*Pink*) 0CBC0FFh,
(*Plum*) 0DDA0DDh,
(*PowderBlue*) 0E6E0B0h,
(*Purple*) 0800080h,
(*Red*) 00000FFh,
(*RosyBrown*) 08F8FBCh,
(*RoyalBlue*) 0E16941h,
(*SaddleBrown*) 013458Bh,
(*Salmon*) 07280FAh,
(*SandyBrown*) 060A4F4h,
(*SeaGreen*) 0578B2Eh,
(*SeaShell*) 0EEF5FFh,
(*Sienna*) 02D52A0h,
(*Silver*) 0C0C0C0h,
(*SkyBlue*) 0EBCE87h,
(*SlateBlue*) 0CD5A6Ah,
(*SlateGray*) 0908070h,
(*Snow*) 0FAFAFFh,
(*SpringGreen*) 07FFF00h,
(*SteelBlue*) 0B48246h,
(*Tan*) 08CB4D2h,
(*Teal*) 0808000h,
(*Thistle*) 0D8BFD8h,
(*Tomato*) 04763FFh,
(*Turquoise*) 0D0E040h,
(*Violet*) 0EE82EEh,
(*Wheat*) 0B3DEF5h,
(*White*) 0FFFFFFh,
(*WhiteSmoke*) 0F5F5F5h,
(*Yellow*) 000FFFFh,
(*YellowGreen*) 032CD9Ah,
(*TransparentColor*)0FFFFFFFFh(*transparent white*)
OpaqueOpacity = 0;
TransparentOpacity = 255;
RgbPixelFormat = (Rgb8, Rgba8, Rgb16, Rgba16,
Bgr8, Bgra8, Bgr16, Bgra16,
Abgr8, Abgr16);
ColumnContentTypes = (ColumnText, ColumnBitmap, ColumnBitmapText);
ClientColumnInfo =
header : StringData;(*can be NIL, which means no header text.
if no column has a header then the list will not
display a header.
width : INTEGER;(* -1 = autosize, the units are screen pixels. *)
align : TextAlignment;
content : ColumnContentTypes;
sortable : BOOLEAN;(* the list is sortable on this column.
also, if ClientCreateData.headerSortButtons is
TRUE then the user can click on the column header
to select the column for sorting and/or change
the order order between ascending and descending.
SortDirection = (SortAscending, SortDescending);
ListClientSortCompareProc = PROCEDURE((*item1:*) ADDRESS,
(*item2:*) ADDRESS,
(*column:*) CARDINAL,
(*data :*) ADDRESS) : INTEGER;
(* return < 0 if item1 < item2
return = 0 ite item1 = item2
return > 0 if item1 > item2
item1 and item2 are the (.userData) items associateed with the list rows
to be sorted. while sorting the list is not an a state that you can use
various list API calls.
column is the column being sorted.
data = arbitrary data (.sortCompareData)
ClientCreateData =(* used with CreateWindow. *)
CASE : ClientTypes OF
numColumns : CARDINAL;
sortColumn : INTEGER;(* if < 0, then no sort column. *)
singleSelect : BOOLEAN;
headerSortButtons : BOOLEAN;(* if TRUE then the header titles act like
a button allowing the user select the
sort column and toggle the sort mode between
ascending and descending.
sortCompareProc : ListClientSortCompareProc;
(* the default compare procedure compares on the text
in the sort column.
sortCompareData : ADDRESS;
sortDirection : SortDirection;
imageList : ImageListHandle;
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
columnInfo : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ClientColumnInfo;
columnInfo : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..31] OF ClientColumnInfo;
fix me
treeLines : BOOLEAN;(*lines connecting the tree nodes.
some operating systems may not support
treeLines = TRUE.
CASE treeFolders : BOOLEAN OF(*display image for open/closed state*)
folderOpenImage : ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR;
(* defaults, "", are an open and closed folder.
Bitmap or Icon resource.
'icns' resource.
folderMaskColor : ColorValue;
ignored if the default images are used.
this is the color in the bitmap that is to be "transparent",
having the same color as the background.
The loaded bitmaps will be altered to make this so.
if the transparent color does not exist in a bitmap then the bitmap
is loaded unaltered without error.
if the bitmap resource already has transparency information then
this value is ignored. in this case use the value TransparentColor
tabPos : TabPosition;
multiLineTabs : BOOLEAN;(* this attribute is optional behavior.
if the underlying system cannot support
multi-line tabs then this option is
splitHorizontal : BOOLEAN;(*FALSE means split vertical*)
splitPos : CARDINAL;(*percent or pixels*)
splitPosPercent : BOOLEAN;
ClientCreateDataPointer = POINTER TO ClientCreateData;
ControlTypes = (CheckBox,
(* these should be obvious.
the GroupBox and MultiPage controls are "container" controls. that is they
have "child" controls which are contained within their boundaries.
MultiPage is a tabbed multiple page control.
each page in a MultiPage control can contain other controls.
WinShellMsg = (
(* ToplevelWindow only *)
(* ToplevelWindow + "Mdi" tab children *)
(* TreeClient and ListClient *)
(* DrawClient *)
(* TabClient *)
(* SplitterClient *)
(* TreeClient *)
(* ListClient *)
(* FormClient. control notifications *)
(******************** Message Definitions ************************************
WSM_CREATE this window has been created, not yet shown.
you may use various API calls on the window at this point.
WSM_GAINFOCUS this window has gained the input focus
WSM_LOSEFOCUS this window has lost the input focus
WSM_CLOSE this window hasbeen or may be closed
closeMode = the close "mode"
CM_REQUEST = you are being asked if you will close the window
RETURN OkayToClose
you will then later get a TWM_CLOSE with a mode of
RETURN NotOkayToClose
at which point no further close action will take place
and the window will remain open.
CM_DICTATE = you *ARE* closing
the return value is ignored in this case
WSM_SIZE the window *HAS* been resized
sizeType = The type of sizing operation
width = the new width
height = the new height
wasMinimized = TRUE if the window previous size was minimized.
sizeType defines the new window size.
if you want to detect a transition from minimized to
normal/maximized then look at this field.
WSM_POSITIONCHANGED the window has been moved on screen
windowPos = The window position
WSM_STARTMENU the user has opened a menu
you should use this to check/uncheck, activate/disable any menu items
as necessary here. You do not know which menu was opened so you
should just do all menus in the menu hierarchy of the window.
WSM_MENU a menu item has been selected
menuId = the menu resource id number for the menu item
WSM_MENUSELECT a menu is highlighted
menuId = the menu resource id number for the menu item
Typically this is used if a program has a status line
and you want to display simple single line help
descriptions of each menu item.
WSM_ENDMENU the user has exited the menu system
If you were using MENUSELECT to display quick help you can use this
to restore the status line to its proper state.
WSM_TIMER the specified timer duration has elapsed
timerId = identifies which timer has elapsed
userId = user defined value to identify the user message type
userData = if not used should be NIL
otherwise generally used to
pass a pointer to some data
WSM_MOUSE this window received a mouse event
m_pos = Window Coordinates of click
m_button = Which button the event is for
m_event = the type of event
m_state = the state of various other keys at the time of the mouse event
m_wheel = the mouse wheel movement. positive is forward towards the front
of the mouse. This value is scroll increments.
1 = one scroll increment
WSM_KEY this window received keyboard input
k_ch = character keystroke if not special
k_state = various extended keys when not a normal ASCII character
k_special = the various special keys. If NOTSPECIAL then
ch contains the ANSI character
k_count = The key repeat count. Normally 1.
WSM_PAINT a region of this window needs to be repainted.
the text caret, if any, is automatically hidden and
restored around this message.
paintRect = rectangle of region that needs to be painted.
paintDraw = a drawable available to use for painting.
the default context will be selectd into the Drawable if
a default context was setup. otherwise this Drawable does
not have any DrawContext associated with it. you must
setup a DrawContext for the drawable before you paint.
paintContext = the default draw context. can be NIL if you did not setup a
default context.
WSM_SCROLL the window has been scrolled
dir = indicates direction to scroll
class = the amount to scroll
absOffs = absolute scroll position within the scroll range
WSM_ACTIVATEAPP the application is now the foreground application the
user is using.
WSM_DEACTIVATEAPP the application is no longer the foreground application the
user is using.
these two messages is simulated on GTK systems.
if no window in the WinShell "world" has the focus for a
certain timeout and then a window does gain focus,
then this is assumed to be a situation where the user had
moved to and used some other application and has just
switched to "this" applicaton which WinShell controls.
a ACTIVATEAPP message is sent in this circumstance.
for DEACTIVATEAPP a message is sent when a window has lost
focus and a timeout has occured and no window currently has
if this simuation is not accurate enough then you should
avoid these messages in portable applications.
WSM_TERMINATEAPP the user or system has requested the application be terminated
this message comes from the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message.
If you return DEFAULT_HANDLE the application will be
terminated, otherwise whatever action your message
handler took is the net effect.
there is no source for the message.
this message comes from the application Quit menu
item which is on the application menu.
If you return DEFAULT_HANDLE the application will be
terminated, otherwise whatever action your message
handler took is the net effect.
WSM_TABACTIVE this Tab child window is the foreground Tab child window.
WSM_NOTIFY messages related sent by controls of a FormClient.
WSM_SPLIT_CHANGED the window split position has changed.
WSM_TREE_EXPAND the specified tree node has been expanded.
WSM_TREE_COLLAPSE the specified tree node has been collapsed
WSM_LIST_COLUMN_WIDTH_CHANGED the user has changed the size of the specified
list column.
WSM_LIST_SORTED the list has been sorted. this happens when
a) new data is inserted into the list
b) ListClientSetSortColumn is called
c) when the user changes the sort column or sort order
NotifyMessage = (
ResponseType = (
USER_HANDLE, (* you handled the message *)
DEFAULT_HANDLE, (* use default message processing *)
OkayToClose,(* see WSM_CLOSE *)
NotOkayToClose(* see WSM_CLOSE *)
WinAttr = (
WA_VISIBLE,(* window is visible.
only applies to ToplevelWindow and
to children of a TabClient window.
WA_TITLE,(* has a caption title bar.
only applies to ToplevelWindow. *)
WA_SYSMENU,(* has system menu in caption.
only applies to ToplevelWindow. *)
WA_MINIMIZEBOX,(* has minimize button in caption.
only applies to ToplevelWindow.
WA_MAXIMIZEBOX,(* has maximize button in caption.
only applies to ToplevelWindow.
WA_RESIZABLE,(* can be sized by the user.
only applies to ToplevelWindow. *)
WA_TOPMOST,(*window will maintain a topmost position.
only applies to ToplevelWindow.
Windows has native support for this.
On GTK systems this is simulated, therefore
be carefull using this. if two topmost
windows overlap they will fight each other
to stay on top and they will endlessly
raise themselve over the other.
best to stick with one topmost window.
WA_STATUSLINE,(* has a status line.
only applies to ToplevelWindow. *)
WA_HSCROLL,(* has/can have horizontal scroll bar.
only applies to DrawClient. *)
WA_VSCROLL,(* has/can have vertical scroll bar.
only applies to DrawClient.
WA_HSCROLLTRACK,(* receive scroll messages while
the user is dragging the scroll bar thumb.
only applies to DrawClient. *)
WA_VSCROLLTRACK,(* receive scroll messages while
the user is dragging the scroll bar thumb.
only applies to DrawClient. *)
WA_SPLIT_POS2(* if set, bottom/right splitter pane.
otherwise top/left.
ignored unless the window is a child of a
WinAttrSet = SET OF WinAttr;
CloseModes = (CM_REQUEST, CM_DICTATE);(* see WSM_CLOSE *)
ScrollDirection = (DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT); (* obvious *)
ScrollClass = (
SCROLL_LINE,(* scroll by lines *)
SCROLL_PAGE,(* scroll by pages *)
SCROLL_ABSOLUTE,(* set to absolute scroll position within
the scroll range *)
SCROLL_EXTREME(* position to the extreme edges of the
scroll range. ScrollDirection
determines which edge is scrolled to *)
ScrollRange = INTEGER;
SizeType = (
SizeNormal,(* normal window size. no minimize or maximize *)
SizeMinimized,(* window is minimized *)
SizeMaximized(* window is maximized *)
SpecialKeys = (
KEY_NOTSPECIAL,(* normal key/character *)
KEY_MENU,(*context menu key.
not all keyboards have this.
not all operating systems support such a thing*)
KEY_F7, KEY_F8, KEY_F9, KEY_F10, KEY_F11, KEY_F12
KeyStateType = (
KS_ALT(*alt/option on the Mac*)
KeyStateSet = SET OF KeyStateType;
SystemColors = (
(* some useful predefined window attributes *)
NormalWindow = WinAttrSet{WA_VISIBLE,
NormalChildWindow = WinAttrSet{WA_VISIBLE};
AddStatusLine = WinAttrSet{WA_STATUSLINE};
AddSplitPos2 = WinAttrSet{WA_SPLIT_POS2};
(* only applicable when the client is a DrawClient *)
AddVScrollBar = WinAttrSet{WA_VSCROLL};
AddHScrollBar = WinAttrSet{WA_HSCROLL};
AddScrollBars = AddVScrollBar + AddHScrollBar;
MouseButton = (LeftButton, MiddleButton, RightButton, NoButton);
MouseEventType = (ButtonDown, ButtonUp,
MouseMove, MouseWheel);
(* ButtonDouble is a "software" mouse event.
You always receive the hardware
mouse Down and Up events.
You always receive an Up for every Down.
You will never receive an Up without a preceeding
MouseStateType = (
MS_SHIFT,(* shift key was down *)
MS_CONTROL,(* control key was down *)
MS_ALT,(*alt key was down*)
MS_LEFTBUTTON,(* is pressed *)
MS_RIGHTBUTTON,(* is pressed *)
MS_MIDDLEBUTTON(* is pressed *)
MouseStateSet = SET OF MouseStateType;
wsRECT =
x1, y1 : COORDINATE;(*upper left*)
x2, y2 : COORDINATE;(*lower right*)
HelpCommand = (
HelpTopic,(* open help to a specific topic *)
HelpContents(*Win32 only, open help in table of contents *)
FontWeights = (FwLight, FwNormal, FwDemiBold, FwBold, FwHeavy);
CharacterSets = (
LATIN1_CHARSET,(*ansi, iso*)
LATIN2_CHARSET,(*latin + eastern europe*)
FontInfo =
height : INTEGER;(* positive = tenths of a point.
100 = 10.0 points
105 = 10.5 points.
negative = device pixels
italic : BOOLEAN;
fixedPitch : BOOLEAN;(* if TRUE then only fixed pitch *)
(* if FALSE then any pitch, including fixed *)
weight : FontWeights;
charSet : CharacterSets;
name : ARRAY [0..63] OF CHAR;(* font family name.
may also optionally include
the font foundary in the name.
the foundary and font family name
are separated by the '-' character.
TextMetrics =
ascent : CARDINAL;(*maximum ascent*)
descent : CARDINAL;(*maximum descent*)
height : CARDINAL;(*the maximum height of the font*)
(*this is max ascent + max decent *)
aveCharWidth : CARDINAL;(*average character width.
for fixed pitch fonts this is the
character width. *)
externalLeading : CARDINAL;(*extra spacing not in font,
but specified by the font designer *)
TextDrawOrigin = (
BaseLeft = the x origin is the left side of the
first character.
the y origin is on the font
TopLeft = the x origin is the left side of the
first character.
the y origin is at the top of the
font. The is basically above the
baseline by the ascender amount of
the string.
BaseCenter = the x origin is the middle of
the string in device pixels.
the y origin is on the font
TopCenter = the x origin is the middle of
the string in device pixels.
the y origin is at the top of the
font. The is basically above the
baseline by the ascender amount of
the string.
LineStyles = (SolidLine, DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine, DashDotDotLine);
JoinStyles = (JoinBevel, JoinMiter, JoinRound);
EndCaps = (
EndCapSquare,(* the line entends beyond the line end
points by have the line width.*)
EndCapRound(* the line will extend beyond the line
end points to draw the rounded end. *)
DrawFunctions = (
DrawFuncCopy,(* result = source color *)
DrawFuncInvert,(* result = inverse of dest color *)
DrawFuncXor(* result = source color XOR dest color *)
PixelInterpolation = (
DrawContextValues =
foreground : ColorValue;
background : ColorValue;
font : FontHandle;
textExtraSpacing : INTEGER;
textOrigin : TextDrawOrigin;
lineWidth : CARDINAL;
lineStyle : LineStyles;
joinStyle : JoinStyles;
endCap : EndCaps;
drawFunc : DrawFunctions;
DrawContextDefaults =
DrawContextValues{0,(*foreground (black) *)
0FFFFFFh,(*background (white) *)
0,(*extra spacing*)
1,(*line width*)
DrawTextOptions = (DT_CLIPPED, DT_OPAQUE);
DrawTextOptionSet = SET OF DrawTextOptions;
DrawTextOpaque = DrawTextOptionSet{DT_OPAQUE};
DrawTextClipped = DrawTextOptionSet{DT_CLIPPED};
CursorTypes = (
LeftArrowCursor,(* arrow pointing left, default *)
RightArrowCursor,(* arrow pointing right *)
WaitCursor,(* an hourglass or similar *)
TextCursor,(* standard text cursor *)
CrossHairCursor(*just like it sounds*)
CaretTypes = ((* caret shapes *)
CtVerticalBar,(* thin vertical bar*)
CtHorizontalBar,(* thin horizontal bar*)
Beeps = (NormalBeep, QuestionBeep, WarningBeep, ErrorBeep);
(* some systems may not support different user defined
sounds. in this case all of these "beeps" will generate
the same sound, probably a simple beep.
DisplayModes = (
DisplayNormal, (* will activate window *)
(* make it visible *)
(* reverses minimized or maximized *)
DisplayVisible,(* makes window visible *)
(* will not activate window *)
DisplayHidden,(* hides window *)
(* active window changes *)
DisplayMinimized,(* minimizes window *)
(* does not change active window *)
DisplayMaximized(* will activate window *)
(* maximizes window *)
WindowDisplayInfo =
x : COORDINATE;(* upper left corner *)
y : COORDINATE;(* upper left corner *)
width : CARDINAL;
height : CARDINAL;
mode : DisplayModes;
ScreenMetrics =
ySize : CARDINAL;(* width and height in pixels *)
colors : CARDINAL;(* number of simultaneous colors supported *)
yDpi : CARDINAL(* display resolution. dots per inch *)
(*workArea : wsRECT;(* working area of screen.
subtracts the area taken up by the desktop
WindowPositions = (CenterOnScreen, CenterOnParent);
MessageRec =
CASE msg : WinShellMsg OF
(* no data fields for these *)
createParam : ADDRESS;
m_button : MouseButton;
m_event : MouseEventType;
m_pos : wsPOINT;
m_wheel : INTEGER;
m_state : MouseStateSet;
k_ch : CHAR;
k_special : SpecialKeys;
k_count : CARDINAL;
k_state : KeyStateSet;
closeMode : CloseModes;
paintRect : wsRECT;
paintDraw : Drawable;
paintContext : DrawContext;
sizeType : SizeType;
height : COORDINATE;
wasMinimized : BOOLEAN;
windowPos : wsPOINT;
scrollDir : ScrollDirection;
scrollClass : ScrollClass;
scrollPos : ScrollRange;
menuId : CARDINAL;
timerId : CARDINAL;
userId : CARDINAL;
userData : ADDRESS;
notify : NotifyMessage;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
(* the control id number which generated the
notification. control notifications are
received by the FormClient window.
treeNode : TreeClientNode;
listColumn : CARDINAL;
listColumnWidth : CARDINAL;
splitPosPixels : CARDINAL;
splitPosPercent : CARDINAL;
(* Form Units
these coordinate units are based upon the font used in displaying the control(s).
in this way the relative position and sizes of the controls grow/shrink as the
size of the font changes.
X dimension. 4 form units = the average character width of the font.
Y dimension. 8 form units = the font height.
So a control that is of size (width=16, height=8) is approximatly four characters
wide and the height of the font.
Generally, you do not want a control exactly the vertical size of the font.
Many times a vertical height of 12 is good.
Since with proportional fonts we are using the average character width to size
the X dimension you should always pad the horizontal width by some percentage.
Therefore if you want your control to be big enough for 10 characters this would
mean a size of 40 plus some amount of padding, say 10-20%.
ControlColumnInfo =
header : StringData;(*can be NIL, which means no header text *)
width : INTEGER;(* -1 = autosize,
for a FormClient controls the units are form units.
otherwise the units are pixels.
align : TextAlignment;
ControlProperties =
idNum : CARDINAL;(* the numeric value to identify the control.*)
x, y : COORDINATE;(* the coordinates of the control window.
the corrdinates are relative to the
origin of the FormClient window.
if the control is contained within a MultiPage
or GroupBox control then the coordinates are
relative to the MultiPage/GroupBox control.
the cooridinates are in form Units.
height : CARDINAL;(* the width and height of the control.
these sizes are in form Units.
for the ComboBox control the height includes the
size of the popup list which is displayed. when the
list is not displayed the control is displayed
much smaller.
the height is ignored for ComboBox
and DropDownList controls.
the height is ignored for the DropDownList
for portability you should give an appropriate
height for the DropDownList and ComboBox controls.
GTK+ and the Mac may ignore the extra height but
windows will use the height to size the popup
tipTextPtr : StringData;
tipTextId : INTEGER;(* if tipTextPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the tool tip.
if tipTextId >= 0 then that string string resource
is used for the tooltip text.
visible : BOOLEAN;
enabled : BOOLEAN;
CASE controlType : ControlTypes OF
rb_textPtr : StringData;
rb_textId : INTEGER;(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the button.
if textId >= 0 then that string resource
is used for the button.
textPtr has priority over textId.
rb_group : CARDINAL;(* this allows you to group radio buttons
such that selecting one button will
unselect all others in the group.
0 = no group.
chk_textPtr : StringData;
chk_textId : INTEGER;(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the button.
if textId >= 0 then that string resource
is used for the button.
textPtr has priority over textId.
sb_low : INTEGER;
sb_high : INTEGER;(* the valid numeric range of the control. *)
sb_editable : BOOLEAN;(*TRUE then user can enter a value in the
edit field area.
FALSE then only the control buttons can
be use to alter the value.
ToggleButton, PushButton:
b_textPtr : StringData;
b_textId : INTEGER;(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the button.
if textId >= 0 then that string resource
is used for the button.
textPtr has priority over textId.
b_default : BOOLEAN;(*only PushButton*)
(* the cancel button of a form is a PushButton control with an id
value of 2.
lb_numColumns : CARDINAL;
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
lb_columnInfo : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ControlColumnInfo;
lb_columnInfo : POINTER TO ARRAY [0..31] OF ControlColumnInfo;
fix me
(* can be NIL, in which case no column headers exist and all columns
are autosized.
otherwise lb_columnInfo *must* have entries for all columns.
lb_multiSelect : BOOLEAN;
cb_editLimit : CARDINAL;(* 0 = operating system default limit.
otherwise the number of characters
that the user is allowed to enter.
tl_textPtr : StringData;
tl_textId : INTEGER;(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the button.
if textId >= 0 then that string resource
is used for the button.
textPtr has priority over textId.
tl_align : TextAlignment;
te_align : TextAlignment;
te_limit : CARDINAL;(* 0 = operating system default limit.
otherwise the number of characters
that the user is allowed to enter.
te_password : BOOLEAN;(*the text shown/entered will be obscured*)
te_multiLine : BOOLEAN;
te_horizScroll : BOOLEAN;(*if multi line, has horiz scroll bar*)
te_vertScroll : BOOLEAN;(*if multi line, has vert scroll bar*)
grp_textPtr : StringData;
grp_textId : INTEGER;(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used
for the button.
if textId >= 0 then that string resource
is used for the button.
textPtr has priority over textId.
grp_numControls : CARDINAL;
grp_controls : ADDRESS;(*ControlPropertyArrayPtr*)
(* we have to be untyped here because we need a
pointer to an array of the record we are
currently declaring.
an array of pointers to records would be an ugly
mp_numPages : CARDINAL;
mp_pageInfo : ADDRESS;(*ControlPageInfoArray*)
(*we have to be untyped here because we have two
records that reference each other.
an array of pointers to records would be an ugly
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
ControlPropertyArrayPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ControlProperties;
ControlPropertyArrayPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..127] OF ControlProperties;
fix me
ControlPageInfo =
label : StringData;
numControls : CARDINAL;
controls : ControlPropertyArrayPtr;
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
ControlPageInfoArray = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ControlPageInfo;
ControlPageInfoArray = POINTER TO ARRAY [0..31] OF ControlPageInfo;
fix me
NewControlProc = PROCEDURE(Window,
VAR INOUT ControlProperties);
ControlPropertiesProc = PROCEDURE(Window,
VAR INOUT ControlProperties) : BOOLEAN;
ControlEndEditProc = PROCEDURE(Window);
CtrlMenuProperties = 32000;(*call the properties procedure*)
CtrlMenuDelete = 32001;(*delete the selected control*)
CtrlMenuFormTitle = 32002;(*edit the form title,
only ToplevelWindow forms support this.
this is editied simular to a normal control.
it is identitied as control with an
id number of MAX(CARDINAL), and the control type
is TextEdit.
the tipTextPtr field is used for the text.
no other fields are defined.
CtrlMenuAlignLeft = 32010;(*align to left of primary control*)
CtrlMenuAlignCenter = 32011;(*align to center of primary control*)
CtrlMenuAlignRight = 32012;(*align to right of primary control*)
CtrlMenuAlignTop = 32013;(*align to top of primary control*)
CtrlMenuAlignMiddle = 32014;(*align to middle of primary control*)
CtrlMenuAlignBottom = 32015;(*align to bottom of primary control*)
CtrlMenuSizeWidth = 32020;(*size controls to width of primary*)
CtrlMenuSizeHeight = 32021;(*size controls to height of primary*)
CtrlMenuSizeBoth = 32022;(*size controls to width and height of primary*)
CtrlMenuOrderMoveUp = 32030;(*move control up one place in tab order*)
CtrlMenuOrderMoveDown = 32031;(*move control down one place in tab order*)
CtrlMenuOrderMoveToTop = 32032;(*move control to the top of the tab order*)
CtrlMenuOrderMoveToBottom = 32033;(*move control to the bottom of the tab order*)
CtrlMenuGroup = 32040;(*group radio buttons*)
CtrlMenuUngroup = 32041;(*ungroup radio buttons*)
CtrlMenuMultiPageAdd = 32050;
CtrlMenuMultiPageDelete = 32051;
CtrlMenuMultiPageMoveLeft = 32052;
CtrlMenuMultiPageMoveRight = 32053;
CtrlMenuNewCheckBox = 32060;(*creates a new control*)
CtrlMenuNewRadioButton = 32061;
CtrlMenuNewPushButton = 32062;
CtrlMenuNewToggleButton = 32063;
CtrlMenuNewSpinButton = 32064;
CtrlMenuNewListBox = 32065;
CtrlMenuDropDownList = 32066;
CtrlMenuNewComboBox = 32067;
CtrlMenuNewTextLabel = 32068;
CtrlMenuNewTextEdit = 32069;
CtrlMenuNewGroupBox = 32070;
CtrlMenuNewMultiPage = 32071;
CtrlMenuExitFormEdit = 32100;
StdToolbarBitmaps =
((* standard built-in bitmaps for toolbars *)
ToolbarButtonTypes = (TbPushButton, TbToggleButton);
BitmapResName = ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR;
ToolbarButtonInfo =
image : ADDRESS;(* non user field, for internal WinShell use.
should be initialized to NIL. *)
imageType : CARDINAL;(* non useer field, for internal WinShell use.
initialize to zero. *)
actionId : CARDINAL;(* menu id number *)
textId : CARDINAL;(* button label string resource id number *)
helpId : CARDINAL;(* tooltip string resource id number *)
type : ToolbarButtonTypes;
bmpResName : BitmapResName;(*bitmap resource name
Bitmap resource.
'cicn' resource.
stdName : StdToolbarBitmaps;
WindowProcedure = PROCEDURE(Window, MessageRec) : ResponseType;
WindowNotification = (
WindowNotifyProcedure = PROCEDURE((*w : *)Window,
(*notify :*)WindowNotification,
(*data : *)ADDRESS);
(* this is the format of a window notification procedure.
w = the window in question
notify = the action that occured
data = user data.
DispatchStartupProc = PROCEDURE((*param :*) ADDRESS);
IdleResults = (ContinueIdle, SuspendIdle, TerminateIdle);
IdleProcType = PROCEDURE((*userdata*)ADDRESS,
(*count*)CARDINAL) : IdleResults;
(* count is the number of times the idle procedure.
has been called in the current idle cycle.
userdata is arbitrary user data
HostSystem = (Windows, GTK, Macintosh);
ListClientInsertRec =
insertPos : INTEGER;(* -1 for append to list *)
userData : ADDRESS;(*user data associated with the inserted row *)
numColumns : CARDINAL;(* number of columns of data in the arrays *)
textPtr : ARRAY [0..31] OF StringData;
textId : ARRAY [0..31] OF INTEGER;
bmpId : ARRAY [0..31] OF CARDINAL;
(* if you have more columns than supported by this record then you will
have to use API calls to set the text.
if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used.
if textId >= 0 then that string string resource is used for the text.
for a specific column textPtr can be NIL *and* textId = -1.
in this case then nothing is done with the column.
if the column content type allows a bitmap then you must setup the bmpId field.
if bmpId > 0 then that bitmap is used. The id number is the image index
in the image list associated with the ListClient.
if bmpId = 0 then no image is set for the item.
TreeClientInsertRec =
parent : TreeClientNode;(* NIL = the tree root is the parent,
otherwise the parent is the tree
node in which the new node will be
sibling : TreeClientNode;
insertBefore : BOOLEAN;(* the sibling within the parent node in which
the new node is inserted in relation to.
(sibling = NIL) AND insertBefore
then insert at the head of the parents list.
(sibling = NIL) AND (NOT insertBefore)
then insert at the tail of the parents list.
(sibling <> NIL) AND insertBefore
the new node is inserted before the specified
(sibling <> NIL) AND (NOT insertBefore)
the new node is inserted after the specified
userData : ADDRESS;(*user data associated with the inserted node *)
textPtr : StringData;
textId : INTEGER;
(* if textPtr <> NIL then that string is used.
if textId >= 0 then that string string resource is used for the text.
folder : BOOLEAN;(* the inserted item may have children.
folder nodes will display the folder open and
closed bitmaps.
MainWindow : Window;
(* this value is initialied with the first TopLevel window created.
You may assign your own value to this.
This value is used by DlgShell.GetDialogParent().
StartupDisplayMode : DisplayModes;(* the display mode the user
requested the application be started in *)
Host : HostSystem;
HostMajorVersion : CARDINAL;(* Win32s = 3
Windows95, Windows98 = 4
Windows ME = ? 4
WindowsCE = ?
WindowsNT = 3, 4
Windows2000/XP = 5
GTK = 1
Mac OS/X = 10
HostMinorVersion : CARDINAL;(* Win32s = 10 for 3.10
Windows95 = 0 for 4.0
Windows98 = 10 for 4.10
WindowsME = ?
WindowsCE = ?
WindowsNT = 50 for 3.50
51 for 3.51
00 for 4.00
Windows2000 = 00
WindowsXP = 01
GTK = 2
Max OS/X = 0, 1 or 2.
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
WindowsNT : BOOLEAN;
WasSystemDialogBox : BOOLEAN;
ScreenInfo : ScreenMetrics;
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
PROCEDURE AllocWinShellMem(VAR OUT addr : ADDRESS; amount : CARDINAL);
PROCEDURE ReallocWinShellMem(VAR INOUT addr : ADDRESS; amount : CARDINAL);
PROCEDURE DeallocWinShellMem(VAR INOUT addr : ADDRESS; amount : CARDINAL);
(* utility procedure which allocate memory from the heap this module uses.
can be useful in FormClient, edit mode callback procedures.
PROCEDURE CreateStringData(str : ARRAY OF CHAR) : StringData;
PROCEDURE DisposeStringData(strPtr : StringData);
PROCEDURE DuplicateStringData(strPtr : StringData) : StringData;
PROCEDURE StringDataLength(strPtr : StringData) : CARDINAL;
PROCEDURE AssignStringData(strPtr : StringData; VAR OUT str : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* assign strPtr to str. strPtr is assumed to be null terminated *)
(* for Win32 name = "" means the resources are in the executable,
otherwise it is some DLL and a .dll extension is provided if not
for Gtk it specifies the base path and name for various resource files.
the various resource files are identified by file extension.
.xml file contains menus, dialogs and accelerators
.str file contains a string table
.img file contains bitmaps
PROCEDURE AddIdleProcedure(idle : IdleProcType; data : ADDRESS) : CARDINAL;
(* add an idle procedure to the system.
for Windows, idle procedures are thread specific (unique per thread input queue).
the return value identifies the idle procedure for removal.
a return value of zero indicates failure.
the idle procedure will be called when no messages are pending for the
input thread.
the idle procedure will be repeatedly called while no messages are being
received and the idle procedure returns ContinueIdle.
if it returns SuspendIdle then it will not be called until the next idle
cycle. an idle cycle is the idle period between receiving messages.
if it returns TerminateIdle the idle handler is removed from the system.
PROCEDURE RemoveIdleProcedure(id : CARDINAL);
(* remove a previously installed idle procedure *)
PROCEDURE DispatchMessages(startup : DispatchStartupProc; param : ADDRESS) : CARDINAL;
PROCEDURE DispatchMessagesTemp() : CARDINAL;
(* these procedures receive and dispatch message to your window(s).
any thread that has windows must have a message dispatch loop.
a dispatch loop just loops forever sending messages to the appropriate
window. A window is attached to a specific thread. this thread is the current thread
at the time of window creation.
message boxes and modal dialogs do not count as "windows" for this
definition since they create their own temporary message dispatch loop.
This procedure never returns until the message loop is terminated.
A message dispatch loop is terminated with a call to
TerminateDispatchMessages. The return value from this procedure is
the value passed to TerminateDispatchMessages.
you can create temporary dispatch loops, using DispatchMessagesTemp,
in a thread that is already executing DispatchMessages.
Remember that TerminateDispatchMessages only terminates the most recent call to
DispatchMessages/DispatchMessagesTemp. Typically you would use a temp dispatch
loop because you want to serialize execution in the application, but of course,
you still want messages to be received and processed. RunWindowModalLoop might be
more appropriate in many cases to serialize execution.
returns MAX(CARDINAL) is an error occurs.
you should to not create windows before DispatchMessages is called. Just put that
code into a procedure and pass the procedure to DispatchMessages.
this parameter exists to allow the message dispatch loop to have been entered
before you create an windows. on some underlying systems this might help or
be necessary. DispatchMessages calls the start procedure after the dispatch
loop has been initiated.
GTK. this startup procedure parameter exists because it helps on GTK. some
quirky things happen with window creation on GTK when the event loop
has not been initiated. this is probably due to the window model as defined
in this DEF is a bit different than GTK "normal" operation.
PROCEDURE CheckMessages() : BOOLEAN;
(* many times you perform tasks that will take a reasonable amount of time
so that the user interface will not become unresponsive you can call
this procedure to dispatch any messages that are already sitting
in the message queue. If no messages are available this procedure
If this function returns TRUE it means that the message loop has received
a "terminate" message and the dispatch loop will be terminated.
PROCEDURE TerminateDispatchMessages(code : CARDINAL);
(* this procedure terminates a previous call to DispatchMessages.
code = an arbitrary value that DispatchMessages will return as
its function result. You can use it as a result code
PROCEDURE RunWindowModalLoop(w : Window) : CARDINAL;
w = a ToplevelWindow.
this procedure runs the window in a modal loop, like a modal dialog.
the procedure does not return until QuitWindowModalLoop is called.
this procedure lets you use a FormClient, or any window, like a modal dialog.
RETURNs MAX(CARDINAL) if an error occurs
otherwise returns the code passed to QuitWindowModalLoop
PROCEDURE QuitWindowModalLoop(w : Window; code : CARDINAL);
(* w = a window which is currently executing a modal loop via RunWindowModalLoop.
causes RunWindowModalLoop to return the value 'code'.
PROCEDURE InitClientCreateData(clientType : ClientTypes; VAR OUT data : ClientCreateData);
(* initializes the data record to the default settings.
you should use this API call since future setup options might be added to the
data record. any new fields will be initialized in such a manner so as to be
compatible with previous versions.
tabPos = TabBottom
multiLineTabs = FALSE
splitHorizontal = FALSE
splitPos = 50
splitPosPercent = TRUE
numColumns = 1
singleSelect = TRUE
column alignment = AlignLeft
column width = -1 (autosize)
column content = ColumnText
headerSortButtons = FALSE
sortColumn = -1
compareProc = procedure which compares the text in the column.
compareData = NIL
treeLines = FALSE
treeFolders = TRUE
folderClosedBitmap = a 16x16 closed folder bitmap.
folderOpenBitmap = a 16x16 open folder bitmap.
folderMaskColor = Colors[TransparentColor]
PROCEDURE CreateWindow(parent : Window;
windowType : WindowTypes;
clientType : ClientTypes;
wndProc : WindowProcedure;
attribs : WinAttrSet;
width, height : COORDINATE;
clientCreateData : ClientCreateDataPointer;
createParam : ADDRESS) : Window;
(* create a new window
parent = the parent window of this window. Can be NIL.
A ChildWindow must have a parent window.
Toplevel windows can have a parent and the exact meaning of this is
somewhat operating system dependent. We call a Toplevel window with
a parent an owned window.
For Win32 owned windows are always displayed above the parent window.
Owned windows are minimized when the parent is minimized.
Owned windows do not show on the taskbar.
For Gtk the parent is the window that is the leader
in a window manager "group" of windows. Just what this means
is dependent on the specific window manager in use.
For Mac the owned windows are a part of a window group. Window groups
are shown/hidden and collapsed/zoomed as a group. This is similar to
the behavior in Windows
name = the caption text of the window. if the window does not have a
caption then this parameter is ignored. On Tab child windows
the caption is the window selection tab.
menu = the menu for the window. Can be "", which means no menu.
icon = the icon associated with this window. Can be "".
For Win32 you should have both 16x16 and 32x32 icons in the icon set.
For Gtk this parameter is ignored.
For Mac this parameter is ignored, at this time.
windowType = the window type. child windows *must* have a parent window. the child
window parent must be a "container" window. splitter and tab clients are
containers. the child parent may itself be a child window.
clientType = the window client type.
wndProc = the window procedure
attribs = the window attributes for the window
for child windows whose parent is a SplitterClient window you specify
the splitter pane where the child is to be placed by using the
WA_SPLIT_POS2 attribute.
x, y = the initial screen coordinates for the window to be displayed
if a parameters is -1 then the operating system will choose
a default location. these coordinates are relative to the
origin to the screen.
ignored for child windows.
width, height = the initial size of the window when created.
if a parameter is -1 the operating system will
choose a default size.
ignored for child windows.
clientCreateData = create data unique to a specific client type.
some clients have no unique creation data.
if NIL is passed then defaults are used.
if you do not pass NIL you should call
InitClientCreateData on your data record before setting/changing
the options you wish changed.
see InitClientCreateData comments.
createParam = an arbitrary value you can use to pass information
to the window procedure of the window. this value is
passed in the WSM_CREATE message.
For Tab child windows Ctrl+Tab (forward), Ctrl+Shift+Tab (backward) are accelerator
keys to cycle through the various Tab child windows.
returns the window handle if successfull, otherwise NIL
PROCEDURE SetSplitPosition(w : Window; pos : CARDINAL; percent : BOOLEAN);
w can be a SplitterClient or Toplevel window whose client is a SplitterClient.
set the splitter position as relative to the top/left edge of the
splitter client size.
if percent = TRUE the split value is interpreted as a percentage of the
splitter client width.
otherwise the value is in pixels
PROCEDURE SetDefaultDrawContext(w : Window; context : DrawContext);
(* for DrawClient windows. sets the draw context setup by default when
a WSM_PAINT messages is received and when NIL is passed to BeginPaint
for a context value *)
PROCEDURE GetSplitPosition(w : Window; percent : BOOLEAN) : CARDINAL;
w can be a SplitterClient or Toplevel window whose client is a SplitterClient.
if percent = TRUE then
get the splitter position as a percentage relative to the top/left edge of the
splitter client size.
get the splitter position in pixels relative to the top/left edge of the
splitter client size.
PROCEDURE SplitWindow(w : Window;
wndProc : WindowProcedure;
splitY : BOOLEAN;
VAR OUT newChild : Window);
w can be a toplevel window with any client type, or any child window.
if splitY = TRUE the the window will be split into a top and bottom halves.
on return
newChild is a child window with the same client type as w and has the window
procedure of w.
w has a clientType of SplitterClient.
wndProc is the new window procedure for this window.
w and newChild both have the same "window data"
newChild keeps the notify procedures,
w has notify procedures cleared.
PROCEDURE UnsplitWindow(w : Window; keepChild : Window) : BOOLEAN;
w must have a client type of SplitterClient.
the client type of w becomes that of "keepChild". keepChild must currently be a
child of the splitter window.
w keeps its "window data"
w gets the notify procs of keepChild
PROCEDURE SetTabPosition(w : Window; tabPos : TabPosition);
(* set the position of the tabs in a TabClient window.
w must be an TabClient window, or a Toplevel whose client is a TabClient window.
the default tab position is TabBottom.
Windows seems to have issues with changing between some tab positions.
Changing between top and bottom works. Changing between left and right works.
Changing left/right to/from top/bottom does not work.
You cannot change the tab position after creation.
PROCEDURE CycleActiveTabChild(w : Window; direction : INTEGER);
w can be an TabClient or Toplevel window whose client is a tabClient.
if direction > 0 then the next Tab child becomes the active window.
if direction < 0 then the previous Tab child becomes the active window.
Ctrl+Tab (forward), Ctrl+Shift+Tab (backward) are user accelerator
keys to cycle through the various Tab child windows.
PROCEDURE ConvertTabChildToTopLevel(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* convert the TabChild window to a Toplevel window.
if the Toplevel window has a toolbar and/or statusline the new
toplevel window will create copies of these for itself.
PROCEDURE AddWindowNotify(w : Window;
proc : WindowNotifyProcedure;
(* the passed procedure "proc" will be called when the window "w"
has one of the notify actions occur.
"data" is aribtrary data you can have passed to the close procedure.
you can have multiple notify procedures attached to a window.
returns TRUE if the notify procedure was added.
PROCEDURE RemoveWindowNotify(w : Window; proc : WindowNotifyProcedure);
(* reverses AddWindowNotify *)
PROCEDURE CloseWindow(w : Window; mode : CloseModes) : BOOLEAN;
(* close an existing window.
mode = CM_REQUEST you are requesting that the window close.
for example this can give a window a change to prompt for saving any
unsaved changes and possibly aborting the close.
mode = CM_DICTATE the window *WILL* be closed
returns TRUE if the window is closing
PROCEDURE CloseAllChildren(parent : Window; mode : CloseModes) : BOOLEAN;
(* the effect here is to call CloseWindow with the given close mode
for all child windows of the given window.
returns TRUE if all child windows were closed
PROCEDURE DisplayTabChildNumber(w : Window; yes : BOOLEAN);
w must be an TabClient or a Toplevel window whose client is a TabClient window.
yes = TRUE means that the Tab child titles will be prefixed with a number 0-9.
This corresponds to the position of the child in the frame window.
This can be used in conjunction with the GetIthTabChild API call.
The 10th child and beyond will not have a number.
PROCEDURE SetBackgroundAutoErase(w : Window; color : ColorValue);
(* for DrawClient windows.
this will have the window automatically erase any region that
needs to be painted with a background color before any paint
message is sent.
by default the window does not erase its background. the reason for this is because
erasing a background and then painting is a major cause of "flicker" in
if the color set is TransparentColor then the window will revert to not
erasing its background before paint messages are sent.
PROCEDURE IsWindow(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the window handle passed in w a valid window handle
for example a window might have been closed and a copy of the window
handle an application had stored somewhere may no longer be valid
retuns TRUE if the window handle is valid
PROCEDURE GetWindowType(w : Window) : WindowTypes;
(* return the window type for the window *)
PROCEDURE GetClientType(w : Window) : ClientTypes;
(* return the client window type for the window *)
PROCEDURE GetWindowParent(w : Window) : Window;
(* return the parent window *)
PROCEDURE GetIthTabChild(w : Window; num : CARDINAL) : Window;
(* return the ith child in the list of child windows.
the first child is number 0.
child windows are ordered by the order of creation.
hidden child windows are not considered by this procedure.
PROCEDURE GetActiveTabChild(w : Window) : Window;
w can be an TabClient or Toplevel window whose client is a tabClient.
the return value is the child window that is on top of all the
other Tab child windows.
PROCEDURE SetActiveTabChild(w : Window);
w must be an Tab child window.
set w to be the active Tab child window. this is the child that
is on top of all the other Tab child windows.
PROCEDURE SetTabChildPosition(w : Window; index : CARDINAL);
w must be an Tab child window.
set the position of the window in the child window selection tabs.
0 = the "first" tab.
PROCEDURE GetTabChildPosition(w : Window) : INTEGER;
w must be an Tab child window.
get the position of the window in the child window selection tabs.
0 = the "first" tab.
-1 (< 0) = error, or the tab child is currently hidden.
PROCEDURE CreateImageList(width, height : CARDINAL;
initialCount, growth : CARDINAL) : ImageListHandle;
(* create a new image list. the size of the individual images in the list is
contained in the width and height parameters.
The list is allocated enough space for initialCount number of images.
The growth parameter determines the number of additional images beyond
initialCount that the list may ultimately contain.
images in a image list are identified by index order. the index order is the order
that they are added to the list. index 0, signifies a blank image. in other words
no image.
PROCEDURE DestroyImageList(im : ImageListHandle);
(* dispose of an image list. the list should not be associated with any window. *)
PROCEDURE ImageListLoadImage(im : ImageListHandle;
resName : ARRAY OF CHAR;
transparent : ColorValue) : INTEGER;
(* add an image to an image list.
transparent is the color which should be considered transparent in the image.
use Colors[TransparentColor] if you do not want to specify any transparency.
if the loaded image type has transparency information then transparent is ignored.
returns -1 if an error occurs, otherwise the image index is returned.
Win32 and GTK+
an image can be any supported bitmap image type.
you can add multiple images from a single loaded image.
the number of images added is inferred from the width of the image loaded.
the returned index is the index of the first image added. the additional images
will have consecutive indexes after the value returned.
an image can be any supported bitmap image type.
PROCEDURE SetDisplayMode(w : Window; mode : DisplayModes);
(* set the display mode for the window identified by w *)
PROCEDURE GetDisplayMode(w : Window) : DisplayModes;
(* get the display mode for the window identified by w *)
PROCEDURE SetWindowEnable(w : Window; enabled : BOOLEAN);
(* enable/disable the window identified by w
if w = NIL, then all ToplevelWindows will be affected.
if enabled = TRUE then the window will be enabled, otherwise the window
will be disabled
A disabled window cannot receive any user interaction.
the window maintains an enable count, therefore you must mirror your
calls to enable and disable the window.
e.g. two successive calls to disabled, must be followed by two successive calls
to enabled before the window is actually enabled.
PROCEDURE IsMinimized(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* retuns TRUE if the window identified by w is currently minimized *)
PROCEDURE IsMaximized(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* retuns TRUE if the window identified by w is currently maximized *)
PROCEDURE ClientAreaIsClipped(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if the client area of the window identified by w is
currently clipped by some other window.
By clipped we mean that the entire client area is not visible.
PROCEDURE BringWindowToTop(w : Window);
(* procedure does what it says; the currently focused window is not changed. *)
PROCEDURE GetForegroundWindow() : Window;
(* get the current window with input focus.
if the focused window is not a window managed by this module
the returned value will be NIL
PROCEDURE SetForegroundWindow(w : Window);
(* makes the window the foreground window
also makes the window have the keyboard input focus.
depending on the underlying system this function may FAIL if the thread
associated with the window is not the current foreground thread.
PROCEDURE RepaintRect(w : Window; rect : wsRECT);
(* force the rectangle in rect to be repainted in the window identified by w *)
(* the repaint is queued, and not drawn immediately *)
PROCEDURE RepaintWindow(w : Window);
(* repaint the entire client window area.*)
PROCEDURE UpdateWindow(w : Window);
(* force any pending repaint messsages to be sent before this call returns
only applicable to DrawClient windows.
PROCEDURE GetClientSize(w : Window; VAR OUT width, height : COORDINATE);
(* get the size of the windows client area in screen coordinates *)
PROCEDURE SetClientSize(w : Window; width, height : COORDINATE);
(* set the size of the windows client area in screen coordinates
the actual size of the window will likely be larger due to a caption,
border, menus, scroll bars and other goodies
PROCEDURE SetMinClientSize(w : Window; width, height : COORDINATE);
(* limit the window to a certain minimum client area size
this does not effect the windows ability to be minimized.
this call only supported for ToplevelWindows.
PROCEDURE SetMaxClientSize(w : Window; width, height : COORDINATE);
(* limit the window to a certain maximum client area size
Such a window should probably not be capable of being maximized
this call only supported for ToplevelWindows.
PROCEDURE SetWindowGrains(w : Window; width, height : COORDINATE);
(* use this procedure to limit the possible window sizes to values
such that the client area will be an even multiple of width and height.
this setting has no effect on a maximized, or minimized window.
Gtk - not implemented
Window managers have a geometry hints option but when I used this the
Window manager(s)/X/Gtk freak out and strange things happen.
Manual implemenation also had other wierd side effects.
this call only supported for ToplevelWindows.
PROCEDURE GetWindowSize(w : Window; VAR OUT width, height : COORDINATE);
(* get the size of the window area in screen coordinates
this includes the client area and all the other goodies.
On X the border and caption title are not a part of a user window.
they are the domain of the window manager.
PROCEDURE SetWindowSize(w : Window; width, height : COORDINATE);
(* set the size of the window area in screen coordinates
this includes the client area and all the other goodies.
On X the border and caption title are not a part of a user window.
they are the domain of the window manager.
PROCEDURE GetWindowPos(w : Window; VAR OUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* get the screen coordinates of the upper left corner of the window
X and/or window managers have issues with this. The position retrieved
seems to be interpreted differently than a when setting a window position.
PROCEDURE SetWindowPos(w : Window; x, y : COORDINATE);
(* set the screen coordinates of the upper left corner of the window.
must be a top level window.
X and/or window managers have issues with this. The position retrieved
seems to be interpreted differently than when setting a window position.
PROCEDURE SetWindowPosition(w : Window; pos : WindowPositions);
w must be a top level window.
if w has no parent then CenterOnParent is the same as CenterOnScreen.
PROCEDURE SetWindowPosClient(w, parent : Window; x, y : COORDINATE);
(* as SetWindowPos, but the coordinates are relative the the client of the
window "parent".
w must be a top level window.
PROCEDURE GetWindowDisplayInfo(w : Window; VAR OUT info : WindowDisplayInfo);
(* get the size a position information for the window
this is useful for remembering the size and position of a window
across multiple execution sessions
if info.mode = SizeMinimized or SizeMaximized then the size and
position information is the size and position information for the window
when it is not minimized or maximized.
X and/or window managers have issues with this. The position retrieved
seems to be interpreted differently than when setting a window position.
On X the border and caption title are not a part of a user window.
they are the domain of the window manager.
PROCEDURE SetWindowDisplayInfo(w : Window; info : WindowDisplayInfo);
(* set the size and position information for the window.
X and/or window managers have issues with this. The position retrieved
seems to be interpreted differently than when setting a window position.
On X the border and caption title are not a part of a user window.
they are the domain of the window manager.
PROCEDURE CascadeWindow(cascadeThis, onThis : Window);
(* this positions the window 'cascadeThis' just below and to the right of the
caption of the window 'onThis'.
the window size is not altered
PROCEDURE SetWindowTitle(w : Window; title : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* set the caption text for the window.
if the window does not have a caption then nothing happens.
title must be null terminated.
PROCEDURE SetWindowData(w : Window;
index : CARDINAL;
PROCEDURE SetWindowDataNum(w : Window;
index : CARDINAL;
(* this procedure will place the store the data in "data"
into the window storage array position specified by index.
index positions are from 0..31,
returns TRUE if successful
PROCEDURE GetWindowData(w : Window; index : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;
PROCEDURE GetWindowDataNum(w : Window; index : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* returns the data from the window storage array location specified by index.
index positions are from 0..31.
PROCEDURE SetWindowIsBusy(w : Window; busy : BOOLEAN);
(* set the window to a "busy" state
for each call with busy = TRUE, you must have a corresponding call
with busy = FALSE to remove the busy state.
this call changes the mouse cursor of the window to "busy" cursor
generally an hourglass cursor.
when the window reverts back to not busy, whatever the mouse cursor
was before the window was busy is restored.
generally you use this call when your user interface thread is performing
a task that might take a while so you give the user some feedback
with this call
PROCEDURE RedirectMessage(w : Window; msg : MessageRec);
(* this call simply passes the message to the window specified.
the window should be of the same thread as the window that received
the message originally. Everything should work if not, but unforseen problems
may occur.
PROCEDURE SendUserMessage(w : Window;
userId : CARDINAL; userData : ADDRESS);
PROCEDURE PostUserMessage(w : Window;
userId : CARDINAL; userData : ADDRESS);
(* send a user message to a window
the window receiving the message can be associated with any thread and
need not be associated with the current thread.
userId = arbitrary number
userData = arbitrary data
SendUserMessage waits for the message to be received and processed before returning.
PostUserMessage send the message and return immediately.
when using PostUserMessage you should not pass the address of local data
in the item userData since it is not known when the other window
will process the message and when the procedure that calls this API
procedure ends the local data is invalidated.
global variables, constants, and allocated memory can be safe to use
for the userData item. "can be" because you can use safe memory in an
unsafe manner.
PROCEDURE IsUserMessageWaiting(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if a user message is currently waiting in the message queue
of the current thread
PROCEDURE ClientToScreen(w : Window; VAR INOUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* convert client coordinates of the given window to screen
relative coordinates
PROCEDURE ScreenToClient(w : Window; VAR INOUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* convert screen coordinates to client relative coordinates for
the given window. The returned coordinates can be negative.
PROCEDURE CreateStatusLine(w : Window; fmt : ARRAY OF INTEGER) : BOOLEAN;
(* add a status line to a window that does not have a status line.
see SetStatusFormat for the meaning of the fmt parameter.
returns TRUE if successfull.
FALSE is returned if the window already has a status line, or
some other error occurred.
PROCEDURE RemoveStatusLine(w : Window);
(* if the window has a status line then remove the status line
from the window
PROCEDURE SetStatusFormat(w : Window; fmt : ARRAY OF INTEGER);
(* set the format of the status line
each element in the fmt array defines a status line field.
the numeric value in the field defines the number characters
in size the field should be. The average character width is used to
determine this size in screen coordinates.
The last field can contain the value -1 which means
the field will go all the way to the right side of the window.
As a convenience if a Tab child window is passed as the window
parameter, and the Window client is a TabClient,
the write will affect the Toplevel window.
PROCEDURE WriteStatusField(w : Window;
field : CARDINAL;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* write the text given in txt to the field identified by field
in the status line for the window w
if the window does not have a status line nothing happens
txt must be null terminated. if txt is too long for the defined size
of the field the text will be clipped.
As a convenience if a Tab child window is passed as the window
parameter, and the Window client is a TabClient,
the write will affect the Toplevel window.
PROCEDURE LoadToolbarBitmaps(VAR INOUT buttons : ARRAY OF ToolbarButtonInfo;
transparent : ColorValue) : BOOLEAN;
(* load the bitmaps for the toolbar buttons from the resource file.
For standard bitmaps the stdButton = TRUE and stdName = the button.
otherwise, the bitmap resource names are taken from bmpResName field.
This call will not load a bitmap unless the image field is NIL,
and the bmpResName field is <> "".
transparent is the color in the bitmap that is to be "transparent", having the
same color as the button background.
The loaded bitmaps will be altered to make this so.
if the transparent color does not exist in a bitmap then the bitmap is loaded
unaltered without error.
if the bitmap resource already has transparency information then this parameter
is ignored. in this case use the value TransparentColor
returns TRUE if successful, which means ALL bitmaps were loaded.
PROCEDURE UnloadToolbarBitmaps(VAR INOUT buttons : ARRAY OF ToolbarButtonInfo);
(* unload the bitmaps for the toolbar buttons.
if a button does not have a bitmap currently loaded that button is
PROCEDURE CreateToolbar(w : Window;
buttons : ARRAY OF ToolbarButtonInfo;
hasText : BOOLEAN;
hasHelp : BOOLEAN;
canCustomize : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;
(* create a toolbar for the given window.
buttons = the buttons of the toolbar. this is ALL possible buttons.
button bitmaps should be 24x24.
this call does not use the bmpResId field of the button
info record.
the bitmap field must be initialized with the handle
of your bitmap, or the value of a standard bitmap.
Use SYSTEM.MAKEADR to create an address with the
standard bitmap ordinal. MAKEADR(ORD(TB_BMP_CUT))
You can use LoadToolbarBitmaps to load your bitmaps
or you can load them via other means.
hasText = TRUE the buttons will display text labels if available.
FALSE only the bitmaps will be displayed.
hasHelp = TRUE the buttons will display tooltip help popups if available
FALSE the buttons will not display tooltips
canCustomize = TRUE the toolbar will allow the user to customize the
buttons displayed and the order they are displayed.
You should fetch this information and save it so you can
remember the user preferred toolbar settings.
PROCEDURE DestroyToolbar(w : Window);
(* destroy the toolbar for the window if it has one *)
PROCEDURE SetToolbarButtons(w : Window; fmt : ARRAY OF CARDINAL);
(* set which buttons from the list of available buttons will be
displayed. The HIGH bound of the passed array determines the
number of toolbar buttons.
the numeric value if each array element specifies the ordinal index
into the list of available buttons passed to CreateToolbar.
if the window does not have a toolbar nothing happens
PROCEDURE GetToolbarButtons(w : Window; VAR OUT fmt : ARRAY OF CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* get the current buttons displayed and their layout.
the returned value is number of buttons returned into the parameter
fmt. you should make sure fmt is big enough to hold all possible
buttons so you will not lose information. the maximum number of buttons
is known from the CreateToolbar procedure call.
the numeric value if each array element specifies the ordinal index
into the list of available buttons passed to CreateToolbar.
if the window does not have a toolbar nothing happens.
the system toolbar control supports toolbar customization by the user
with no interaction necessary on our part.
the user customizes a toolbar by double clicking on an empty area in the tool
bar. Windows displays a customization dialog the user interacts with.
no user customization is currently implemented.
PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonDown(w : Window; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the button identified by index currenly in the down position.
this call is only valid for TbToggle buttons
a button must be shown before it can be toggled.
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
returns TRUE if the button is shown and checked in the toolbar
PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonEnabled(w : Window; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the button identified by index currently enabled
returns TRUE means the button is active an can be pressed
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
returns TRUE if the button is enabled in the toolbar
PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonShown(w : Window; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the button identified by index currently shown
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
returns TRUE if the button is shown in the toolbar
PROCEDURE ToggleToolbarButton(w : Window;
index : CARDINAL;
(* set the toggled state of the button identified by index
this call is only valid for TbToggle buttons
down = TRUE means the button should be in the down position.
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
returns TRUE if successful
PROCEDURE EnableToolbarButton(w : Window;
index : CARDINAL;
enable : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;
(* set the enabled state of the button identified by index
enable = TRUE means the button should be enabled
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
returns TRUE if successful
PROCEDURE ShowToolbarButton(w : Window;
index : CARDINAL;
(* set the shown state of the button identified by index
show = TRUE means the button should be shown
index is the ordinal index into the button list array passed
to CreateToolbar
PROCEDURE CaretOn(w : Window);
(* only applicable for DrawClients
turn the display of a text caret ON in the window.
if the window is the input focus window then the caret will be
displayed otherwise the caret is not displayed.
PROCEDURE CaretOff(w : Window);
(* only applicable for DrawClients
turn the display of a text caret OFF in the window *)
PROCEDURE HideCaret(w : Window);
(* only applicable for DrawClients
this call is not normally necessary.
the caret must not be displayed when you paint to maintain a proper display.
BeginPaint, and PAINT messages automatically hide/show the caret.
this call is only necessary when using non transient window drawables,
since in these cases you may not be using BeginPaint.
HideCaret maintains a hide count therefore you must call ShowCaret
once for each call to HideCaret.
PROCEDURE ShowCaret(w : Window);
(* only applicable for DrawClients
see HideCaret
PROCEDURE MoveCaretTo(w : Window; x, y : INTEGER);
move the text caret to a specific location
the coordinates are client area relative
the window need not have the caret turned on for this function
to operate. the coordinates will be remembered
PROCEDURE GetCaretPos(w : Window; VAR OUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* fetch the current text caret position *)
PROCEDURE SetCaretType(w : Window; ct : CaretTypes; width, height : CARDINAL);
(* set the type and size of the caret for this window
ct = the shape of the caret.
width, height = the width and height in screen coordinates of the caret.
the window need not have the caret turned on for this function
to operate. the information will be remembered
PROCEDURE SetScrollBarRange(w : Window;
which : WinAttr;
min : ScrollRange;
max : ScrollRange;
pageSize : ScrollRange);
(* set the range information for the given scroll bar in the given window
which = which scroll bar
min = the lower limit of the scroll bar range
max = the upper limit of the scroll bar range
if min = max then the scroll bar is remove or disabled
pageSize = the size of a "page" in scroll bar range units.
for example in a text file
the range might be (min = 1) (max = 534) and (pageSize = 10)
in this case the lower limit is always line number 1.
the upper limit is the number of lines in the text file.
pageSize is the most likely the size of the window in lines or one or two
lines less than this.
scroll bar ranges are whatever you what them to be
PROCEDURE SetScrollBarRanges(w : Window;
minX : ScrollRange;
maxX : ScrollRange;
pageX : ScrollRange;
minY : ScrollRange;
maxY : ScrollRange;
pageY : ScrollRange);
(* like SetScrollBarRange except that you are setting the range for
both the horizontal, X, and vertical, Y, scroll bars.
See SetScrollBarRange
PROCEDURE SetScrollBarPos(w : Window;
which : WinAttr;
pos : ScrollRange);
(* set the position of the scroll bar thumb
which = which scroll bar
pos = the position. (pos >= minRange) AND (pos <= maxRange)
PROCEDURE GetScrollBarPos(w : Window; which : WinAttr) : ScrollRange;
(* get the position of the scroll bar thumb
which = which scroll bar
PROCEDURE SetScrollDisableWhenNone(w : Window; yesH, yesV : BOOLEAN);
(* this procedure controls whether a scroll bar disappears or becomes
disabled when the window is large enough to display the entire
"document" and thus a scroll bar is not necessary.
this sets the policy for both scroll bars, but each scroll bar
acts independently regarding its own state.
yes = TRUE means the scroll bar(s) will disable
FALSE means the scroll bar(s) will disappear
yesH = horizontal, yesV = vertical
default = FALSE
PROCEDURE SetWindowIcon(w : Window; icon : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN;
set the icon associated with the window
the resource can have many icon formats and the most appropriate
icon will be chosen depending on how the icon is going to
be used by the system. generally 32x32 and a 16x16 16color icons should
be provided at a minimum in the icon resource.
not currently implemented.
PROCEDURE SetWindowCursor(w : Window; typ : CursorTypes);
(* set the cursor type displayed when the mouse cursor is within the
confines of the windows client area.
the window must have a client type of DrawClient.
PROCEDURE SetWindowMenu(w : Window;
(* set/change the menu for the given window.
menu = the menu resource. Can be "", which means no menu.
PROCEDURE GetWindowMenu(w : Window) : MenuHandle;
(* get the menu handle for menu currently associated with the window
the return value can be NIL if the window has no menu
(* for the following "check" and "enable" functions
in an "MDI" situation where tab client children of the toplevel window have
unique windows you can apply this function to the main winddow and it will
act on the currently active menu for the toplevel window.
PROCEDURE SetMenuItemEnable(w : Window; id : CARDINAL; enabled : BOOLEAN);
(* set whether a menu item identified by id is enabled
enabled = TRUE the menu item is enabled
FALSE the menu item is disabled
PROCEDURE GetMenuItemEnable(w : Window; id : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* get whether a menu item identified by id is enabled
returns = TRUE the menu item is enabled
FALSE the menu item is disabled
PROCEDURE SetMenuItemCheck(w : Window; id : CARDINAL; checked : BOOLEAN);
(* set whether a menu item identified by id has a check mark displayed
in the menu.
checked = TRUE => a check mark will be displayed
FALSE => no check mark will be displayed
PROCEDURE GetMenuItemCheck(w : Window; id : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* get the checked state a menu item identified by id
returns = TRUE a check mark is displayed
FALSE no check mark is displayed
PROCEDURE SetMenuItemRadioCheck(w : Window;
first, last, set : CARDINAL);
(* similar to check menu item, however this identifies a group of
menu items of which one is checked and the others are unchecked.
first..last is the range of menu items in the radio group.
set is the menu item in the group to be "checked".
PROCEDURE GetMenuItemRadioCheck(w : Window; first, last : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* get the checked menu item in a radio menu item group
returns 0 if some error occurs, or none are checked.
PROCEDURE LoadMenu(w : Window;
popup : BOOLEAN) : MenuHandle;
(* load a menu resource identified by menu.
the menu is associated with the identified window.
the return value will be NIL if the resource does not exist
or there was an error loading the resource.
popup = TRUE if the menu being loaded is a popup menu.
For Win32 the menu resource is loaded and the first menu
is returned.
For Gtk a popup menu resource is loaded.
PROCEDURE DestroyMenu(VAR INOUT menuH : MenuHandle);
(* destroy a previously loaded menu resource *)
PROCEDURE GetSubMenu(menuH : MenuHandle; subMenuId : CARDINAL) : MenuHandle;
get the menu handle of a sub menu within a menu
can return NIL of the sub menu does not exist or there was an error.
the sub menu is identified by id number.
On Windows you must use an extended menu resource to apply an id number
to a popup menu.
On the Mac the subMenuId parameter is a menuId number, NOT a resource idNumber.
Generally the menuId and resource id are set to the same value. Note that menuId
number on the Mac have a limited number range.
PROCEDURE DisposeSubMenu(menuH : MenuHandle);
(* dispose of a previously fetched submenu of a memu resource *)
PROCEDURE AppendMenuItemStr(w : Window;
menuH : MenuHandle;
(* append a new menu item to the menu identified by menuH
str = the text of the menu. must be null terminated
id = the id number used to identify the menu item.
you can "underscore" a character in the menu for keyboard activation
by preceeding the desired character with an underscore character ('_').
returns TRUE if successfull
PROCEDURE AppendMenuItemSeparator(w : Window; menuH : MenuHandle) : BOOLEAN;
(* append a new menu item to the menu identified by menuH
the menu item appended is a menu separator
this is usually a thin line drawn across the menu
returns TRUE if successfull
PROCEDURE SetMenuItemStr(w : Window;
(* change the text of an existing menu item.
id = the id number used to identify the menu item.
str = the text of the menu. must be null terminated
you can "underscore" a character in the menu for keyboard activation
by preceeding the desired character with an underscore character ('_').
returns TRUE if successfull
PROCEDURE DeleteMenuItemPosition(menuH : MenuHandle;
(* remove a menu item from the menu identified by menuH
pos = the ordinal position of the menu item starting at zero for the
first item in the menu
PROCEDURE PopupMenu(w : Window;
button : MouseButton;
(* display a popup menu at client coordinates x, y.
the menu is identified the parameter menu.
button = the button used to "open" the popup menu and thus when this
button is released the menu will close.
This call is modal, meaning the call does not return until the popup
menu is closed.
For Win32 the menu resource is loaded and the first menu is used.
For Gtk a popup menu resource is used.
PROCEDURE PopupMenuHandle(w : Window;
menu : MenuHandle;
button : MouseButton;
(* like PopupMenu except that the menu is identified by a MenuHandle.
this allows you to modify the menu resource before displaying the menu
See PopupMenu
This call is modal, meaning the call does not return until the popup
menu is closed.
Load a string from the string resource.
the string is identified by idNum.
str = "" if not successfull.
PROCEDURE OpenClipboard(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* open the system clipboard and give ownership to the specified window.
returns TRUE if successful.
only a foreground window should make such a request, and then only
on behalf of a users request
on X systems the "clipboard" can be many different things and some programs
may only support one type of "clipboard". X calls these "selections".
This module defines its own selection, and also tries to use other selections
to try and be compatible with as many programs as possible.
PROCEDURE CloseClipboard(w : Window);
(* close and release ownership of the clipboard. *)
PROCEDURE EmptyClipboard(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* empty all contents of the clipboard
if the window does not own the clipboard the call will fail
returns TRUE if the operation is successfull
PROCEDURE ClipboardFormatAvailable(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if data of the given clipboard format is available
in the clipboard.
returns TRUE if the format is available, otherwise FALSE if the
clipboard is empty or some other data type is available.
all text formats are automatically converted to other text formats
on demand. Therefore if you put ASCII into the clipboard you can
retrieve Unicode from the clipboard.
PROCEDURE AllocClipboardMemory(size : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;
(* allocate system memory suitable for placing in the clipboard.
size = the amount of memory in bytes
if NIL is returned the call failed, otherwise a valid address is returned which
you can use to write to the clipboard memory.
PROCEDURE SetClipboard(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : BOOLEAN;
(* place data into the clipboard
the format of the data is given in fmt parameter.
the memory placed in the clipboard is the memory previously allocated with
Win32 and Mac
the operating system will deallocate this memory for you since you
cannot know how long the data will exist in the clipboard.
Data put into the clipboard is only available to other programs as long
as your process is running.
returns TRUE if successfull.
PROCEDURE GetClipboard(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : ADDRESS;
(* get clipboard data of the given format.
returns NIL if the format was not available or the clip board was empty.
otherwise a valid address is returned and the data is locked.
you MUST unlock the data when you are done reading the data.
all text formats are automatically converted to other text formats
on demand. Therefore if you put ASCII into the clipboard you can
retrieve Unicode from the clipboard.
text formats are returned null terminated.
PROCEDURE UnlockClipboardMemory;
(* the clipboard memory received by GetClipboard is unlocked by this call.
this memory must be unlocked after it is used.
PROCEDURE SetTimer(w : Window; timerId : CARDINAL; interval : CARDINAL);
(* create/reset a timer associated with the specified window
timerId = a unique number to identify the timer.
interval = the amount of time in milliseconds between WSM_TIMER messages
this interval is only an approximate time
calling SetTimer with the same timerId as a previous call but with
a different interval has the effect of resetting the interval from
the previous value to the new value *)
PROCEDURE KillTimer(w : Window; timerId : CARDINAL);
(* dispose of a previously created timer
timerId = the identification number of an existing timer *)
PROCEDURE PointInRect(x, y : COORDINATE; rect : wsRECT) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE RectOverlap(r1, r2 : wsRECT) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE IntersectRect(r1, r2 : wsRECT; VAR OUT r3 : wsRECT) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE UnionRect(r1, r2 : wsRECT; VAR OUT r3 : wsRECT);
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
PROCEDURE RgbToColorValue(red, green, blue : CARD8) : ColorValue; MACRO;
(ORD(green) SHL 8) BOR
(ORD(blue) SHL 16);
END RgbToColorValue;
PROCEDURE RgbaToColorValue(red, green, blue, alpha : CARD8) : ColorValue; MACRO;
(ORD(green) SHL 8) BOR
(ORD(blue) SHL 16) BOR
(ORD(alpha) SHL 24);
END RgbaToColorValue;
PROCEDURE ColorValueToRgb(colorVal : ColorValue;
VAR OUT red, green, blue : CARD8); MACRO;
red := colorVal BAND 0FFh;
green := (colorVal SHR 8) BAND 0FFh;
blue := (colorVal SHR 16) BAND 0FFh;
END ColorValueToRgb;
PROCEDURE ColorValueToRgba(colorVal : ColorValue;
VAR OUT red, green, blue, alpha : CARD8); MACRO;
red := colorVal BAND 0FFh;
green := (colorVal SHR 8) BAND 0FFh;
blue := (colorVal SHR 16) BAND 0FFh;
alpha := (colorVal SHR 24);
END ColorValueToRgba;
PROCEDURE RgbToColorValue(red, green, blue : CARD8) : ColorValue;
PROCEDURE RgbaToColorValue(red, green, blue, alpha : CARD8) : ColorValue;
PROCEDURE ColorValueToRgb(colorVal : ColorValue;
VAR OUT red, green, blue : CARD8);
PROCEDURE ColorValueToRgba(colorVal : ColorValue;
VAR OUT red, green, blue, alpha : CARD8);
PROCEDURE GetSystemColor(sysColor : SystemColors) : ColorValue;
(* return a color value for the system color *)
PROCEDURE LoadFont(font : FontInfo) : FontHandle;
(* load the font as specified by the parameter font *)
(* returns a valid font handle if successfull, otherwise NIL *)
PROCEDURE DeleteFont(font : FontHandle);
(* remove a previously loaded font *)
PROCEDURE GetTextMetrics(font : FontHandle; VAR OUT metrics : TextMetrics);
(* retrieve information about the font specified in the font parameter *)
PROCEDURE LoadBitmap(name : ARRAY OF CHAR; shared : BOOLEAN) : BitmapHandle;
Load a bitmap from resource.
IF shared = TRUE, loaded bitmaps will be cached and on subsequent
loads the bitmap handle of the first load will be returned.
You should call DeleteBitmap when you are done using the bitmap.
If shared = TRUE then the bitmap will not be freed until
DeleteBitmap is called once for each active Load.
PROCEDURE LoadBitmapFromFile(name : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BitmapHandle;
as LoadBitmap except the image is loaded from a stand alone file.
if the file extension is ".bmp" then the normal GDI is used to load the file.
otherwise Gdi+ is used. any file type supported by GDI+ can be loaded.
any file type supported by libgdk_pixbuf can be loaded.
any file type supported by Quicktime can be loaded. basically everything.
the Mac does have a limit of < 4096 bytes for a single row in the image.
this limit is imposed by the system CopyBits API.
PROCEDURE CreateBitmap(w : Window; width, height : CARDINAL) : BitmapHandle;
create a bitmap compatible with the window.
The bitmap can be used with any Drawable that it is compatible with,
meaning the color depth.
PROCEDURE GetBitmapSize(bmp : BitmapHandle; VAR OUT width, height : CARDINAL);
return the width and height of the specified bitmap.
returns 0 if bmp is not a valid bitmap handle.
PROCEDURE ExtractBitmap(bmp : BitmapHandle;
width, height : CARDINAL) : BitmapHandle;
this function creates a new bitmap from a portion of another
This can be useful with buttons for toolbars. Since these are
small bitmaps and there are usually many buttons, it can be
nice to edit all off the buttons in one larger bitmap.
This function can be used to extract the individual bitmaps
from the large bitmap button array.
PROCEDURE DeleteBitmap(bmp : BitmapHandle);
(* delete a previously loaded/created bitmap.
For shared bitmaps the bitmap will not be freed until
DeleteBitmap is called once for each active Load.
PROCEDURE CreateDrawContext(w : Window;
dcValues : DrawContextValues) : DrawContext;
(* create a new DrawContext. the context will be compatigble with
the passed Window, w. You can use the context with other windows
as long as the windows use the same color depth.
Note that you can only draw on a DrawClient, so the window should be
a toplevel window with a DrawClient or a DrawClient ChildWindow.
PROCEDURE DestroyDrawContext(VAR INOUT dc : DrawContext);
(* dispose of a previously created DrawContext.
The context must not be currently selected into any Drawable.
PROCEDURE SetDrawContextValues(dc : DrawContext;
dcValues : DrawContextValues);
(* set the values associated with the DrawContext. *)
PROCEDURE GetDrawContextValues(dc : DrawContext; VAR OUT dcValues : DrawContextValues);
(* get the values associated with the DrawContext. *)
PROCEDURE SetForegroundColor(dc : DrawContext; color : ColorValue);
(* set the foreground color used for painting *)
PROCEDURE SetBackgroundColor(dc : DrawContext; color : ColorValue);
(* set the background color used for painting *)
PROCEDURE SetFont(dc : DrawContext; font : FontHandle);
(* set the font as the font used for painting text *)
PROCEDURE SetTextExtraSpacing(dc : DrawContext; extra : INTEGER);
(* this alters the normal character spacing of the text written
a positive value adds space (pixels) between each character drawn
a negative value removes space.
PROCEDURE SetTextDrawOrigin(dc : DrawContext; origin : TextDrawOrigin);
Sets the text origin of text drawing operations.
See the comments at the TextDrawOrigin type declaration.
PROCEDURE SetLineWidth(dc : DrawContext; width : CARDINAL);
(* set the line width *)
PROCEDURE SetLineStyle(dc : DrawContext; style : LineStyles);
(* set the line style *)
PROCEDURE SetLineAttributes(dc : DrawContext;
style : LineStyles;
join : JoinStyles;
endCap : EndCaps;
width : CARDINAL);
(* set all line attributes *)
PROCEDURE SetDrawFunction(dc : DrawContext; func : DrawFunctions);
(* the the draw function *)
PROCEDURE BeginPaint(w : Window; dc : DrawContext) : Drawable;
(* use this to obtain a Drawable for the specific window.
Note that you can only draw on a DrawClient, so the window should be
a toplevel window with a DrawClient or a DrawClient ChildWindow.
the DrawContext, dc, is selected into the returned Drawable.
when you are finished painting you must call EndPaint which releases
any system resources allocated by this call.
if dc = NIL, then the default context is used.
this call will automatically hide the text caret if active.
when you receive a PAINT message you can use the Drawable passed
in the paint message, therefore you do not need, and should not use, this call in that
PROCEDURE EndPaint(w : Window);
(* call this when you are done painting to a window.
this call is the book end to the BeginPaint call.
The Drawable returned by the BeginPaint call is invalid after this call.
Any DrawContext selected into the Drawable is automatically deselected.
This call will show the text caret if the window has an active caret.
PROCEDURE CreateOffscreenDrawable(w : Window;
width, height : CARDINAL;
context : DrawContext) : Drawable;
(* create a Drawable where all draw operations are drawing into
a offscreen bitmap. The Drawable is compatible with the given window.
The size of the Drawable is width and height. If width or height are
zero then the Drawable size for that dimension is set to the current size
of the client area of the Window.
PROCEDURE CreateBitmapDrawable(bmp : BitmapHandle; context : DrawContext) : Drawable;
(* create a Drawable where all draw operations are drawing into the specified bitmap.
The size of this drawable is the size of the bitmap.
Use this to draw onto the bitmap itself, or to draw the bitmap onto other
drawables. A simple API exists for drawing a bitmap to a drawable without
creating a bitmap drawable.
PROCEDURE CreateRgbDrawable(width, height : CARDINAL; context : DrawContext) : Drawable;
(* creates an RGB buffer drawable. the RGB data is translated to/from native bitmap
format automatically.
width, height = the width and height in pixels of the drawable.
this Drawable exists primarily for interfacing external image editing libraries
with display Drawables.
Applications which render RGB images will also find use of this Drawable.
For normal drawing and displaying you might be better off with a bitmap.
the drawable internally maintains a system specific bitmap and RGB buffer.
when you copy RGB pixels into the drawable the bitmap is not necessarily updated
immediately. the bitmap is updated when the bitmap needs to be used.
likewise most "Draw..." APIs utilize the bitmap, and the RGB values are not updated
immediately. they are updated when the RGB data needs to be accessed.
you can forcibly serialize the bitmap and RGB buffer update by using
the call SyncRgbDrawable.
PROCEDURE GetDrawableSize(draw : Drawable; VAR OUT width, height : CARDINAL);
(* return the width and height of the drawable in pixels *)
PROCEDURE DestroyDrawable(draw : Drawable);
Delete a previously created Drawable.
Do not use this call with a Drawable returned by BeginPaint or the Drawable
passed in the WSM_PAINT message.
PROCEDURE SelectDrawContext(draw : Drawable; context : DrawContext);
(* associate the DrawContext with the Drawable, draw.
the previously selected DrawContext is deselected.
PROCEDURE PushDrawContext(draw : Drawable; context : DrawContext) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE PopDrawContext(draw : Drawable);
allows you to temporarily select a context into a drawable and restore the
previous context, whatever that was.
returns TRUE if successful.
a return of FALSE means the internal stack has overflowed.
the internal context stack holds four elements.
PROCEDURE CopyPixelRowToRgbDrawable(draw : Drawable;
x, y : CARDINAL;
numPixels : CARDINAL;
pixels : ADDRESS;
pixelFormat : RgbPixelFormat) : BOOLEAN;
(* transfer the RGB pixel data to the RgbDrawable.
you can transfer at most one row of pixels at a time.
x, y are zero based coordinates into the drawable.
numPixels is the number of pixels to be copied.
pixels is the address of the first pixel to be copied.
RETURNs TRUE if successful.
PROCEDURE CopyPixelRectToRgbDrawable(draw : Drawable;
destX, destY : CARDINAL;
srcX, srcY : CARDINAL;
width, height : CARDINAL;
rowStride : CARDINAL;
pixels : ADDRESS;
pixelFormat : RgbPixelFormat) : BOOLEAN;
(* as CopyPixelRowToRgbDrawable except you are copying a rectangle of pixels
out of a larger buffer.
rowStride = the address width of each row of pixels.
pixels = the address of the 0,0 pixel.
all coordinates are assumed to be zero based.
destX, destY are coordinates within the drawable.
srcX,srcY are coordinates in the source RGB buffer.
width,height is the width and height in pixels of the rectangle to copy.
pixel addresses are computed as
pixelAddress = (y * rowStride) + (x * SIZE(Pixel))
RETURNs TRUE if successful.
PROCEDURE GetRgbDrawablePixelRow(draw : Drawable;
x, y : CARDINAL;
numPixels : CARDINAL;
pixels : ADDRESS;
pixelFormat : RgbPixelFormat) : CARDINAL;
(* the reverse of CopyPixelsToRgbDrawable.
x, y are zero based coordinates into the drawable.
numPixels is the number of pixels to be fetched.
RETURNs the number of pixels copied. this might be less than the requested number
of pixels if the coordinates are out of range with the requested pixel count.
if the pixel format request an alpha channel then it will always be opaque.
PROCEDURE SyncRgbDrawable(draw : Drawable);
(* see CreateRgbDrawable *)
PROCEDURE GetTextWidth(draw : Drawable;
(* this calls returns the width of the text in pixels when drawn.
the number of characters measured is length.
if length = 0 the the number of characters measured is LENGTH(text)
the font currently selected for drawing is used for the measurement.
The SetTextExtraSpacing API procedure affects this call.
PROCEDURE DrawText(draw : Drawable;
length : CARDINAL);
(* draw text at the coordinates x, y
length = the number of characters drawn
if length = 0 then the number of characters draw is LENGTH(text)
the text is drawn in the foreground color.
the text is drawn transparently over the background.
PROCEDURE DrawTextRect(draw : Drawable;
length : CARDINAL;
rect : wsRECT;
flags : DrawTextOptionSet);
(* draw text at the coordinates x, y
length = the number of characters drawn
if length = 0 then the number of characters drawn is LENGTH(text).
the text is drawn in the foreground color.
the rectangle specifies the rectangle that is used for clipping and/or filling.
flags specifies options for drawing.
PROCEDURE DrawPixel(draw : Drawable; x, y : COORDINATE; color : ColorValue);
(* draw a pixel a tht given coordinates in the given color *)
PROCEDURE DrawLine(draw : Drawable;
x1, y1, x2, y2 : COORDINATE);
(* draw a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2 in the current foreground color
and line attributes.
PROCEDURE DrawLines(draw : Drawable; points : ARRAY OF wsPOINT);
(* draw a series of connected lines starting at the first point
and ending at the last point.
the line is drawn in the current foreground color, and line attributes.
PROCEDURE DrawRectangle(draw : Drawable;
width, height : CARDINAL;
filled : BOOLEAN);
(* draw the rectangle with the foreground color.
if filled = FALSE then the rectangle outline is drawn with
the current line attributes.
example x=0,y=0,width=20,height=20
the coordinates of the drawn rectangle are
upper left (0, 0), and lower right (19, 19)
PROCEDURE EraseRectangle(draw : Drawable;
width, height : CARDINAL);
(* as DrawRectangle, except the rectangle is filled with the background color.*)
PROCEDURE DrawPie(draw : Drawable;
radius : CARDINAL;
startAngle, arcAngle : REAL;
filled : BOOLEAN);
(* draw a pie slice within in the foreground color.
x, y define the center of the circle the pie slice is a part of.
radius is the radius of the circle.
startAngle and arcAngle define the size of the pie slice.
a startAngle value of zero begins at the 3 o'clock position and increasing
values go in the counter clockwise direction.
the angle values are specified in degrees.
width is the number of degrees of the pie slice and must be <= 360.0.
if filled = FALSE then the pie outline is drawn with
the current line attributes.
PROCEDURE DrawBitmap(destDraw : Drawable;
destX, destY : COORDINATE;
bmp : BitmapHandle);
PROCEDURE DrawBitmapRect(destDraw : Drawable;
destX, destY : COORDINATE;
bmp : BitmapHandle;
srcX, srcY : COORDINATE;
width, height : CARDINAL);
(* draw the bitmap onto the destination drawable. *)
PROCEDURE CopyDrawableArea(destDraw : Drawable;
destX, destY : COORDINATE;
srcDraw : Drawable;
srcX, srcY : COORDINATE;
width, height : CARDINAL);
(* this call copies a reqion from one drawable to another.
you may use the same drawable for both the source and destination.
For a window as the source, it should not be clipped,
otherwise you may be copying other windows.
See the ClientAreaIsClipped API call.
The UpdateWindow API call can be useful before issuing this call with Window
drawables as the source.
PROCEDURE ScaleDrawableArea(destDraw : Drawable;
destX, destY : COORDINATE;
destWidth, destHeight : CARDINAL;
srcDraw : Drawable;
srcX, srcY : COORDINATE;
srcWidth, srcHeight : CARDINAL;
interp : PixelInterpolation);
(* like CopyDrawableArea except the the destination rectangle can be a different
size than the soruce rectangle. the image is expanded if the destination rectangle
is larger than the source. the image is compressed is the destination rectangle
is smaller than the source.
Win32. InterpLowQuality uses the StretchBlt API.
Gdi+ is used for all other interpolation settings. if Gdi+ is not available
then you get InterpLowQuality scaling.
PROCEDURE DisplayHelp(w : Window;
command : HelpCommand;
helpFile : ARRAY OF CHAR;
helpIndex : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* call the operating system help program
helpFile = the file specification of the help file to be opened
helpIndex = help topic number within the given help file
command = what you want the help program to do
HelpTopic open help to a specific topic.
HelpContents open help in table of contents
(Win32 only. only 'hlp' and 'chm' help files support this.)
helpIndex is ignored in this case
All features are available.
On Windows you can use WinHelp (.hlp), HTML help (.chm) or any other file type
which is registered with the OS. For example HTML files (.htm, .html).
command and helpIndex are ignored.
helpFile is assumed to be an HTML file and an HTML browser is executed for
the specified file.
PROCEDURE ListClientInsertItem(w : Window; item : ListClientInsertRec) : INTEGER;
(* insert a new item into the list.
returns the index position of the inserted location.
returns -1 if the insert failed.
PROCEDURE ListClientSetItem(w : Window;
row, column : CARDINAL;
image : CARDINAL);
(* set the contents of a specific row and column.
the use of the text and image parameters depends on the column content type.
text must be null terminated.
image is ignored.
text is ignored.
text must be null terminated.
PROCEDURE ListClientGetItem(w : Window;
row, column : CARDINAL;
(* get the contents of a specific row and column. see ListClientSetItem *)
PROCEDURE ListClientGetItemData(w : Window; row : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;
(* fetch the user defined data for the specified row. *)
PROCEDURE ListClientSetItemData(w : Window; row : CARDINAL; data : ADDRESS);
(* set the user defined data for the specified row. *)
PROCEDURE ListClientFindItemByData(w : Window; data : ADDRESS) : INTEGER;
(* find an item in the list by comparing with the user data item
you previosly set.
If you insert/delete items the index position returned at the time of
insertion may be invalid.
If the list is sorted then the index position can change at any time so you cannot
rely on the index position returned at the time of insertion.
RETURNs -1 if the item is not found, otherwise the current index position of the item.
PROCEDURE ListClientGetSelectionCount(w : Window) : CARDINAL;
(* return the number of selected items in the list.
a single selection list will always return 0 or 1.
PROCEDURE ListClientGetSelectedItems(w : Window;
(* get the items selected in the list.
the return value is the number of items placed into the items array.
if more items are selected than positions avaialble in the items array then
some selected items are lost.
PROCEDURE ListClientSetSelectedItem(w : Window; sel : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* the the specified row to the selected state. *)
PROCEDURE ListClientRemoveItem(w : Window; item : CARDINAL);
(* remove the specified item from the list *)
PROCEDURE ListClientRemoveAllItems(w : Window);
(* remove all items from the list *)
PROCEDURE ListClientFreezeDisplay(w : Window; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* yes = TRUE = causes the window to not redraw itself when an item is added/removed
from the list. this is useful when adding/removing a number of items.
yes = FALSE = causes the window to refresh its display at this call, and it will
continue to update its display as items are added/removed.
PROCEDURE ListClientGetColumnWidth(w : Window; column : CARDINAL) : INTEGER;
(* return the width of the specified column. returns -1 if and error occurs.
an error can be that the column number was invalid.
a column size of zero means the column is hidden.
PROCEDURE ListClientSetColumnWidth(w : Window; column : CARDINAL; width : INTEGER);
(* set the column width.
width = -1 = the column will be autosized to the contents of the column.
otherwise the width is in pixels.
PROCEDURE ListClientSetSortColumn(w : Window; column : INTEGER; dir : SortDirection);
(* sets the sort column and direction and resorts the list based on the new information.
a column < 0 indicates that sorting is no longer performed.
PROCEDURE ListClientGetSortColumn(w : Window;
VAR OUT dir : SortDirection);
(* gets the current sort column and direction. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientInsertNode(w : Window; item : TreeClientInsertRec) : TreeClientNode;
(* insert a new item into the list.
returns the index position of the inserted location.
returns -1 if the insert failed.
PROCEDURE TreeClientSetNodeText(w : Window;
node : TreeClientNode;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* set the text of a specific node. text must be null terminated. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientGetNodeText(w : Window;
node : TreeClientNode;
(* get the text of a specific node. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientGetNodeData(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : ADDRESS;
(* fetch the user defined data for the specified node. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientSetNodeData(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode; data : ADDRESS);
(* set the user defined data for the specified node. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientGetSelectedNode(w : Window) : TreeClientNode;
(* get the selected item selected in the tree.
NIL is returned if no node is currently selected.
PROCEDURE TreeClientSetSelectedNode(w : Window; sel : TreeClientNode) : BOOLEAN;
(* the the specified item to the selected state. *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientExpandNode(w : Window;
node : TreeClientNode;
(* if yes = TRUE then expand the specified node if possible.
otherwise collapse the node.
PROCEDURE TreeClientSortNode(w : Window;
node : TreeClientNode;
recurse : BOOLEAN);
(* sorts the children of the specified node. if recurse = TRUE then all nodes which
are decendents of the specified node will be sorted.
PROCEDURE TreeClientRemoveNode(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode);
(* remove the specified node from the tree *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientRemoveAllNodes(w : Window);
(* remove all content from the tree *)
PROCEDURE TreeClientFreezeDisplay(w : Window; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* yes = TRUE = causes the window to not redraw itself when an item is added/removed
from the tree. this is useful when adding/removing a number of items.
yes = FALSE = causes the window to refresh its display at this call, and it will
continue to update its display as items are added/removed.
PROCEDURE TreeClientRootNode(w : Window) : TreeClientNode;
PROCEDURE TreeClientGetChildNode(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : TreeClientNode;
PROCEDURE TreeClientGetParentNode(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : TreeClientNode;
PROCEDURE TreeClientNextSiblingNode(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : TreeClientNode;
PROCEDURE TreeClientPrevSiblingNode(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : TreeClientNode;
PROCEDURE TreeClientNodeIsVisible(w : Window; node : TreeClientNode) : BOOLEAN;
(* basically the proceduure names are self expanatory *)
(* ---------------------------------------- *)
(* for the following APIs accessing controls.
w = a ChildWindow of client type FormClient, or
a Toplevel window with a FormClient.
ctrlId = the id number identifying the control.
input string parameters MUST be null terminated.
PROCEDURE AddFormControls(w : Window; controls : ARRAY OF ControlProperties);
create a series of new controls in the FormClient window w.
controls = the various controls to be displayed in the FormClient.
PROCEDURE FormToPixel(w : Window; VAR INOUT x, y : COORDINATE);
PROCEDURE PixelToForm(w : Window; VAR INOUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* utility procedures to convert to/from form/pixel coordinates. *)
PROCEDURE RemoveControl(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if successful *)
PROCEDURE RemoveAllControls(w : Window);
(* obvious *)
PROCEDURE StartFormEditMode(w : Window;
usePopupMenu : BOOLEAN;
popupMenu : ARRAY OF CHAR;
newControlProc : NewControlProc;
propProc : ControlPropertiesProc;
exitProc : ControlEndEditProc);
usePopupMenu = TRUE the form editor will enable use of the popup menu.
the popup menu is activated via a right click.
on the Mac you use an option click if you do not have a two button
menu = the popup menu used by the form editor if usePopupMenu = TRUE.
if menu = "" then a default menu is used which supports all functions.
propProc = a procedure which is called when the user double clicks on a
control. Here you can display a dialog which allows the user to modify
some or all of the attributes of the control.
the current control properties are passed in the ControlProperties
to change the control properties simply change the fields in the
For TopLevelWindow forms you can edit the form caption title.
this is editied like a normal control.
it is identitied as a TextLabel control with an
id number of MAX(CARDINAL). therefore you cannot
have a TextLabel with such an id number and
support form editing of the form title.
if propProc returns TRUE then changes in the ControlProperties
parameter will take effect. otherwise any changes are ignored.
newControlProc = a procedure which is called when the user creates a new
control from the context menu.
some initial default values are set for the control.
with this procedure you are given the opportunity to set the
initial values of the control by changing the values in the
ControlProperties parameter.
for both propProc and newControlProc
you cannot change the control type field.
if you change any of the StringData fields you should call
DisposeStringData with the current value before assigning a new value
otherwise the old value will be leaked (memory leak).
memory fields in the ControlProperties data structure are deallocated
by this module, therefore your memory allocations should be comparible
with this module. this module exports APIs to manipulate the StringData
type and generaic memory allocation functions.
exitProc = called when the user wants to end editing.
you can use this to call EndFormEditMode and retrieve any changes
the user may have made by using GetControlProperties.
the internal form editor supports selection of single controls by clicking on them
with the left mouse button.
multiple controls can be selected by using a Shift+Click, or by dragging a rectangle
surrounding the controls to be selected.
a selected control is displayed with a surrounding hatch pattern and six
"drag handles" which are used to resize the control.
for multiple selections one control is the primary selection and the others
are secondary selections. the primary selection has white drag handles and the
others have black drag handles. you can change the primary selection within
a multiple selection by clicking the desired control.
you can clear a multiple selection by clicking on a blank area in the form. the
primary selection will remain selected.
with single selections you can size and/or move the control.
with multiple selections you can only move the controls. all selected controls
move together maintaining their positional relationship.
moving a control into a page of a MultiPage control binds that control to the
active page of the control. moving a control out of a page will unbind the
control from the page.
double clicking on a control opens the control properties dialog.
the Tab, Shift_Tab keys cycle through the controls. This cycle displays the tab
order of the controls.
pressing the delete key deletes the the selected control.
the form editor supports various editing actions which are selected via
a popup context menu. you control what actions are available by what you
place in the context menu. you must use the ids provided by this module
as the menu identifiers for the specific actions.
PROCEDURE ExecuteFormEditorMenuCommand(w : Window; menuId : CARDINAL);
(* this API lets you put form editor menu actions on your application menubar.
the menu id command numbers for each action supported are listed in the DEF file.
this API does nothing unless the ForClient is currently in edit mode.
PROCEDURE EnableFormEditorMenuItems(w : Window);
(* you use this procedure to enable/disable menu items on your menubar. the popup
automatically handles this.
the menu items are assumed to be on the menu for the Toplevel Window of "w".
PROCEDURE EndFormEditMode(w : Window) : BOOLEAN;
(* the name says it all
returns TRUE is any changes were made to the form.
PROCEDURE GetControlCount(w : Window; includeContainerChildren : BOOLEAN) : CARDINAL;
(* w must be a toplevel window with a FormClient as its client, or a child window.
returns the number of controls in the form.
if includeContainerChildren = FALSE, then the value returned does not include
controls contained within container controls (MultiPage, GroupBox).
this can be useful to allocate an array big enough to use with the
GetControlInfo API.
otherwise the value returned includes all controls in the form.
PROCEDURE GetControlInfo(w : Window; VAR OUT controls : ARRAY OF ControlProperties);
PROCEDURE DisposeControlInfo(VAR INOUT controls : ARRAY OF ControlProperties);
return control information on controls in the FormCient window.
useful when using the form edit mode.
any StringData pointers have been allocated and should be deallocated when no
longer needed.
this also holds true for the ListBox lb_ColumnInfo field.
DisposeControlInfo is a handle call to do this for you.
PROCEDURE ControlSetEditLimit(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; limit : CARDINAL);
for use with TextEdit and ComboBox controls.
set the maximum number of characters a user is allowed to enter into
the control.
a value of zero defines an operating system defined default limit.
PROCEDURE ControlSetEditable(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; yes : BOOLEAN);
for use with TextEdit and SpinButton controls.
yes = the control is user editable
PROCEDURE ControlSetTipText(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
PROCEDURE ControlGetTipText(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; VAR OUT text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* get or set the tooltip text of the control. *)
PROCEDURE ControlSetText(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
PROCEDURE ControlGetText(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; VAR OUT text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
for use with the following controls.
PushButton, ToggleButton, CheckBox, RadioButton:
DropDownList: = GetText = text of selected item for GetText.
SetText = change the selection by matching the given text
to the list.
ListBox: = GetText = text of selected item for GetText.
SetText = change the selection by matching the given text
to the list.
PROCEDURE ControlGetTextLength(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : INTEGER;
(* -1 (< 0), means the text length is indeterminate. *)
PROCEDURE ControlSetNumericValue(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; num : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ControlGetNumericValue(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
primarily for use on SpiButton controls but you can use the "set" API on
edit controls and text labels.
GetNumericValue may return FALSE if the control text is not a valid number.
PROCEDURE ControlSetSelectedItem(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
PROCEDURE ControlGetSelectedItem(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : INTEGER;
(* for use with ListBox, DropDownList, ComboBox and MultiPage controls.
-1 (< 0), = no selection. otherwise selection is zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlGetSelectedItemCount(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* for use with a MultiSelect ListBox.
get the number of selected items in the list.
PROCEDURE ControlGetSelectedItems(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
(* for use with a MultiSelect ListBox.
return an array of the selected iteem indexes.
the return value is the number of items stored in the array.
PROCEDURE ControlSetButtonState(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
checked : BOOLEAN);
PROCEDURE ControlGetButtonState(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* for CheckBox, TRUE = checked.
for ToggleButton, TRUE = pressed/down
for PushButton, for Set, TRUE = simulate a mouse click. FALSE is ignored.
for Get, this always results in FALSE.
for RadioButton, for Set, checked = TRUE, is just like using SetRadioGroup.
check = FALSE is ignored.
for Get, returns the button state. TRUE = checked.
PROCEDURE ControlSetDefaultButton(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL);
(* only for PushButton controls. sets the default push button. *)
PROCEDURE ControlSetRadioGroup(w : Window; group : CARDINAL; ctrlId : CARDINAL);
(* ctrlId = the radio button in the group which should be checked.
if the button identified by ctrlId is not in the group, "group" then
no action is taken.
PROCEDURE ControlGetRadioGroup(w : Window; group : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* returns the id number of the checked radio button of the specified group *)
PROCEDURE ControlAppendItem(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
(* for use with ListBox, DropDownList and ComboBox controls.
adds a new item to the end of the list of items.
if the ListBox has multiple columns, then this call places the text
in the first column.
the return value is the index position of the added item.
index positions are zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlAppendItemColumns(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
strs : ARRAY OF StringData) : INTEGER;
(* for use with multi column ListBox controls.
adds a new item to the end of the list of items.
the return value is the index position of the added item.
index positions are zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlInsertItem(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
position : CARDINAL;
(* for use with ListBox, DropDownList and ComboBox controls.
inserts an item into the specified position.
if the ListBox has multiple columns, then this call places the text
in the first column.
the return value is the index position of the added item.
index positions are zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlInsertItemColumns(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
position : CARDINAL;
strs : ARRAY OF StringData) : INTEGER;
(* for use with multi column ListBox controls.
inserts a new item into the specified position.
the return value is the index position of the added item.
index positions are zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlSetItemText(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
item, column : CARDINAL;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
PROCEDURE ControlGetItemText(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
item, column : CARDINAL;
(* for use with ListBox, ColumnListBox, DropDownList and ComboBox.
sets/gets the text of a specific column.
item = the "row" index position. zero based.
column = the column to place the text. zero based. ignored if not applicable.
PROCEDURE ControlGetItemCount(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* returns the number of items in a ListBox, DropDownList or ComboBox *)
PROCEDURE ControlRemoveItem(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; item : CARDINAL);
(* for use with ListBox, DropDownList and ComboBox controls.
item = the position index of the item to remove.
index positions are zero based.
PROCEDURE ControlGetItemData(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; item : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;
(* applicable to ListBox controls.
fetch the user defined data for the specified row.
PROCEDURE ControlSetItemData(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
item : CARDINAL;
data : ADDRESS);
(* applicable to ListBox controls.
set the user defined data for the specified row.
PROCEDURE ControlFindItemByData(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; data : ADDRESS) : INTEGER;
(* applicable to ListBox controls.
find an item in the list by comparing with the user data item
you previosly set.
If you insert/delete items the index position returned at the time of
insertion may be invalid.
If the list is sorted then the index position can change at any time so you cannot
rely on the index position returned at the time of insertion.
RETURNs -1 if the item is not found, otherwise the current index position of the item.
PROCEDURE ControlRemoveAllItems(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL);
(* for use with ListBox, DropDownList and ComboBox controls *)
PROCEDURE ControlSetColumnWidth(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
column : INTEGER;
width : INTEGER);
(* for use with multi column ListBox controls.
if width < 0 then the column width will be set optimally for the existing text
in the list column and header.
the width is in form Units.
if column < 0 then all columns of the control are given the specified width.
PROCEDURE ControlAppendText(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
appends the given text at the end of the text in the control.
PROCEDURE ControlAppendLine(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
appends the given text and a end of line at the end of the text in the control.
PROCEDURE ControlGetLineCount(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
returns the number of lines of text in the control.
PROCEDURE ControlGetLineLength(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
returns the length if characters of the specified line in the control.
the first line of text is line number 1.
PROCEDURE ControlGetLineText(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
lineNum : CARDINAL;
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
gets the text of the specified line in the control.
the first line of text is line number 1.
PROCEDURE ControlSetLineText(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
lineNum : CARDINAL;
text : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
sets the text of the specified line in the control.
the first line of text is line number 1.
PROCEDURE ControlRemoveLine(w : Window;
ctrlId : CARDINAL;
lineNum : CARDINAL);
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
removes the line of text from the control.
the first line of text is line number 1.
PROCEDURE ControlPositionCaret(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; lineNum, column : CARDINAL);
(* for use with multi line TextEdit controls.
positions the text caret and ensures that the text caret is visible within the control
window. this is useful when you are adding/removing text from the control.
lineNum = MAX(CARDINAL) will always position to the last line.
PROCEDURE ControlRedraw(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* yes = TRUE the control will redraw itself when its contents change.
you use this call when making numerous changes to a control to improve
performance by disabling redraws until you are done changing the control.
only applicable to ListBox and ComboBox controls.
PROCEDURE ControlEnable(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* yes = TRUE the control is enabled, otherwise disabled *)
PROCEDURE ControlShow(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* yes = TRUE the control is visible, otherwise hidden *)
PROCEDURE ControlSetFocus(w : Window; ctrlId : CARDINAL);
(* set the input focus to the specified control *)
PROCEDURE Beep(beep : Beeps);
(* make a sound on the computer.
beep = various sound signatures.
typically the specific sound that is made is controlled by the user,
if the underlying system supports such things.
if not then all beeps will sound the same...just a simple beep.
(* functions that export native operating system handles/values.
these functions are not part of the WinShell API.
they are here to allow "special" actions to be performed when necessary
and to allow someone to encapsulate additional functionality in a
different module.
PROCEDURE GetWindowHandle(w : Window) : ADDRESS;
(* get the operating system handle for specified window.
Win32 - a window handle. HWND
GTK - a Widget handle. pGtkWidget (specifically pGtkWindow)
Mac - a window handle. WindowRef.
PROCEDURE GetClientHandle(w : Window) : ADDRESS;
(* get the operating system handle for the client "window"
of the specified window.
Win32 - a window handle. HWND
GTK - a Widget handle. pGtkWidget
Mac - a control handle. ControlRef.
PROCEDURE GetDrawableHandle(draw : Drawable) : ADDRESS;
(* for Win32 - return the HDC handle.
for GTK - return the GDK drawable handle.
for Mac - return the port handle.
PROCEDURE CreateExternalWindowHandle(wnd : ADDRESS) : Window;
(* this API has one use. to be able to have a window external to this module
be the parent window of a WinShell window.
the handle is automatically disposed by this module.
wnd should be an operating system toplevel window handle.
<*IF StonyBrook THEN*>
PROCEDURE SetModelessDialog(wnd : ADDRESS; add : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;
(* This procedure is here to support DlgShell in Win32
wnd = the operating system window handle of the modeless dialog
add = TRUE then you are adding a new dialog to the message loop
FALSE then you are remove a dialog from the message loop
returns TRUE if successful
PROCEDURE FocusedWindowEvent(w : Window; yes : BOOLEAN);
(* here for DlgShell and BasicDialogs to support WinShell with focus
notifications. WinShell uses this to simulate the WSM_ACTIVATEAPP
yes = Focus in event
no = Focus out event
w = NIL, means than WinShell.MainWindow will be the window used, otherwise
the toplevel window of "w" will be the window that receives the message.
END WinShell.
© Norman Black, Stony Brook Software. Reproduced with permission.