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(*                                                                         *)
(*                     Copyright (C) 1992-2003                             *)
(*                        by Stony Brook Software                          *)
(*                                                                         *)
(*                          All rights reserved.                           *)
(*                                                                         *)
(* this module is its own self contained system built on top of WinShell *)
(* for convenience  this module re-exports most WinShell symbols by the *)
(* same name as they exist in WinShell *)
(* this module provides for very high level windows that display text *)
(* within their client area *)
(* this module fully automates painting and scroll bars for text windows *)
(* manual control is available for applications where automatic control *)
(* is not suitable *)

   For automatic control this module defines a virtual coordinate system.
   For the purposes of this description we will use the analogy of a text
   editor, something you should be familiar with. Also we will only discuss
   the Y or vertical coordinate. The width or X coordinate operates precisely
   the same way as the Y.
   We have a text editor using this module. We open a file with 5000 lines
   of text. Also assume that the window is sized such that 25 lines of text
   can be displayed. Our virtual coordinate range for this file is 0..5000.
   We set a virtual coordinate range by using the SetScrollRangeAllowed
   API procedure.
   Zero always exists because of the possibility of an empty file.
   With this module our text editor never knows what exactly is being
   displayed in the window or exactly where the text caret(cursor) is
   positioned. It can inquire about this but there is no need.
   When open the file and put the text caret at position 1, 1.
   When we first open the file we will receive a paint message for coordinates
   1..25. If the user scrolls the window down one line we will get a paint
   message for coordinate 26. You should get the idea what is going on here.
   The text caret is still at position 1, 1 which is no longer visible in the
   window since the user scrolled the window down one line and the window
   is now displaying the coordinates 2..26.
   Lets say the user performed a text search and we need to display the
   matched text to the user. We simply set the text caret position to the
   proper virtual coordinate lets say line 2000, column 1 and then tell
   the text window system  to make sure the text caret is visible the
   window. That will cause the window to scroll to the proper virtual
   coordinates and you will receive a paint message for the coordinates
   The basic point here is that once a virtual coordinate is set up the
   text window asks you to paint certain coordinates, and it worries about
   what and where that information is displayed in the window. You have
   available to you certain API calls to make a given coordinate/range visible
   within the window if/when necessary. The chain of command here is
   the user tells the text window what to do
       the text window tells you what to do
  this module operates with three coordinate systems overlaid on top of
  each other.
  Virtual space >= Screen buffer space >= Visible window space
  this module maintains a "screen buffer" for each window to hold any text
  painted to minimize paint requests to your code when the operating system
  is asking the window to paint. this screen buffer can be a fixed size or
  it can assume whatever size fits within the visible area of the window.
  if the screen buffer is variable in size then in essence you fold down to
  two coordinate systems since the screen buffer and window are exactly the
  same size and at the same position.
  You only need to worry about the virtual coordinate space, but you should
  know something about the others to use a few of the API calls in this module.
  The screen buffer is basically a sliding window into the virtual coordinate
  space. The Visible window is a sliding window into the screen buffer
  coordinate space.

  If manual scrolling is used then these coordinate spaces have no real
  meaning since nothing ever moves in the coordinate space. You are always
  at the bottom of the coordinate space. You have to maintain your own
  information about where you are currently displaying in your "document".



IMPORT WinShell;

    (* text windows simply re-exports WinShell types and constants *)
    (* for convenience *)

    WindowTypes         = WinShell.WindowTypes;
    COORDINATE          = WinShell.COORDINATE;
    twPOINT             = WinShell.wsPOINT;
    twRECT              = WinShell.wsRECT;
    KeyStateType        = WinShell.KeyStateType;
    KeyStateSet         = WinShell.KeyStateSet;
    CloseModes          = WinShell.CloseModes;
    MouseButton         = WinShell.MouseButton;
    MouseEventType      = WinShell.MouseEventType;
    MouseStateType      = WinShell.MouseStateType;
    MouseStateSet       = WinShell.MouseStateSet;
    ScrollDirection     = WinShell.ScrollDirection;
    ScrollClass         = WinShell.ScrollClass;

    ScrollRange         = COORDINATE[0..MAX(COORDINATE)];

    SizeType            = WinShell.SizeType;
    WinAttr             = WinShell.WinAttr;
    WinAttrSet          = WinShell.WinAttrSet;


    StdToolbarBitmaps   = WinShell.StdToolbarBitmaps;
    ToolbarButtonTypes  = WinShell.ToolbarButtonTypes;
    ToolbarButtonInfo   = WinShell.ToolbarButtonInfo;

    SpecialKeys         = WinShell.SpecialKeys;
    ResponseType        = WinShell.ResponseType;

    ClipboardFormat     = WinShell.ClipboardFormat;
    HelpCommand         = WinShell.HelpCommand;
    MenuHandle          = WinShell.MenuHandle;
    FontInfo            = WinShell.FontInfo;
    FontWeights         = WinShell.FontWeights;
    CharacterSets       = WinShell.CharacterSets;
    PrintDriverInfo     = WinShell.PrintDriverInfo;

    CursorTypes         = WinShell.CursorTypes;
    CaretTypes          = WinShell.CaretTypes;
    DisplayModes        = WinShell.DisplayModes;
    Beeps               = WinShell.Beeps;
    WindowDisplayInfo   = WinShell.WindowDisplayInfo;

    NormalWindow        = WinShell.NormalWindow;
    NormalChildWindow   = WinShell.NormalChildWindow;

    AddVScrollBar       = WinAttrSet{WinShell.WA_VSCROLL,
    AddHScrollBar       = WinAttrSet{WinShell.WA_HSCROLL,
    AddScrollBars       = AddHScrollBar + AddVScrollBar;
    AddStatusLine       = WinAttrSet{WinShell.WA_STATUSLINE};
    AddSplitPos2        = WinShell.AddSplitPos2;


    ScreenAttribute     = CARDINAL16;(* magic cookie *)

    Cell = (* the format of an individual text character cell *)
        ch      : CHAR;
        attr    : ScreenAttribute;

    TextWindowsMsg      = (

(******************** Message Definitions ************************************
    TWM_CREATE          same as WinShell
    TWM_GAINFOCUS       same as WinShell
    TWM_LOSEFOCUS       same as WinShell
    TWM_TABACTIVE       same as WinShell
    WSM_ACTIVATEAPP     same as WinShell
    WSM_DEACTIVATEAPP   same as WinShell
    TWM_KEY             same as WinShell
    TWM_CLOSE           same as WinShell
    TWM_MENU            same as WinShell
    TWM_MENUSELECT      same as WinShell
    TWM_STARTMENU       same as WinShell
    TWM_ENDMENU         same as WinShell
    TWM_TIMER           same as WinShell
    TWM_USER            same as WinShell
    TWM_SCROLL          same as WinShell
    TWM_POSITIONCHANGED same as WinShell

    TWM_MOUSE           this window received a mouse event
        m_pos = Window Coordinates of click in text cells, not pixels
        m_button = Which button the event is for
        m_event = the type of event
        m_state = the state of various other keys at the time of the mouse event
        m_wheel = the mouse wheel movement. positive is forward towards the front
                of the mouse. This value is scroll increments.
                1 = one scroll increment

    TWM_PAINT           this window needs repainting
        paintRect = rectangle of region that needs to be painted
               this is in text cells, not pixels

    TWM_SIZE            the size of this window is/has changed
        sizeType = as WinShell
        wasMinimized = as WinShell
        width = the new width in text cells, not pixels
        height = the new height in text cells, not pixels

            for variable buffer windows the size is changing and a
                paint message will follow this message
            for fixed buffer windows the size has changed
                can be used to set the page size

    TWM_NOTIFYSCROLL    notification that the window has automatically
                        scrolled in some way.


    TWMessageRec =
        CASE msg : TextWindowsMsg OF
            (* no data for these *)
            createParam : ADDRESS;
            m_pos       : twPOINT;
            m_wheel     : INTEGER;
            m_button    : MouseButton;
            m_event     : MouseEventType;
            m_state     : MouseStateSet;
            k_count     : CARDINAL;
            k_special   : SpecialKeys;
            k_state     : KeyStateSet;
            k_ch        : CHAR;
            closeMode   : CloseModes;
            menuId      : INTEGER;
            accel       : BOOLEAN; (* used only with MENU *)
            paintRect   : twRECT;
            sizeType            : SizeType;
            width               : COORDINATE;
            height              : COORDINATE;
            wasMinimized        : BOOLEAN;
            windowPos   : WinShell.wsPOINT;
            scrollDir   : ScrollDirection;
            scrollClass : ScrollClass;
            scrollPos   : ScrollRange;
            timerId     : CARDINAL;
            userId      : CARDINAL;
            userData: ADDRESS;

    TextWindowProcedure = PROCEDURE(TextWindow, TWMessageRec) : ResponseType;

    (* colors available in a text window *)
    Colors      = (

    (* font styles available in a text window *)
    FontStyles = (FsItalic, FsBold);
    FontStyleSet = PACKEDSET OF FontStyles;

    ColorValue  = WinShell.ColorValue;
    ColorTable = ARRAY Colors OF ColorValue;

    NormalFont  = FontStyleSet{};
    BoldFont    = FontStyleSet{FsBold};
    ItalicFont  = FontStyleSet{FsItalic};

    NullTextWnd = CAST(TextWindowProcedure, NIL);

    StartupDisplayMode  : DisplayModes;(* same as WinShell *)
    DefaultFontInfo     : FontInfo;(* the default font that a text window
                                      will use *)


PROCEDURE WinShellToTextWindowMessage(wmsg : WinShell.MessageRec;
                                      VAR OUT msg : TWMessageRec) : BOOLEAN;
(* convert a WinShell message to a TextWindow message *)
(* not all message types can be converted *)
(* returns TRUE if successful *)

PROCEDURE CreateWindow(parent : WinShell.Window;
                       name : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       menu : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       icon : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       x, y : COORDINATE;
                       xSize, ySize : COORDINATE;
                       xBuffer, yBuffer : COORDINATE;
                       gutter : BOOLEAN;
                       font : FontInfo;
                       background : ScreenAttribute;
                       windowType : WindowTypes;
                       wndProc : TextWindowProcedure;
                       attribs : WinAttrSet;
                       createParam : ADDRESS) : TextWindow;
(* create a new window *)
(* parent = as WinShell  *)
(* name = as WinShell  *)
(* menu = the menu for the window. Can be "". *)
(* icon =  as WinShell *)
(* attribs = as WinShell *)
(* wndProc = the window procedure *)
(* createParam = an arbitrary value you can use to pass information
                 to the window procedure of the window. this value is
                 passed in the WSM_CREATE message. *)
(* font = the font to use for this window *)
(* background = the background color for this window *)
(* gutter = TRUE then the text window will always have a blank "gutter"
            on the left edge of the text window.
            FALSE the text will start at the left edge of the client area.
(* x, y = the initial screen coordinates for the window to be displayed
          if a parameter is -1 then the operating system will choose
          a default location for that coordinate.
          these positions are in pixels and are relative to the
          parent window client area origin for child windows
          or relative to the screen origin for all other windows. *)
(* xSize, ySize = the initial width and height in character cells
                  if -1 then a system default size will be used *)
(* xBuffer, yBuffer = the size of the screen buffer. the window can never
                      be larger than the screen buffer. if either xBuffer
                      or yBuffer is -1 the screen buffer is a variable size
                      and is sized to the number of cells the window client
                      area currently is capable displaying. *)
(* returns the window handle if successfull, otherwise NIL*)

PROCEDURE SplitWindow(tw : TextWindow;
                      wndProc : WinShell.WindowProcedure;
                      splitY : BOOLEAN;
                      VAR OUT splitter : WinShell.Window);
  tw can be a toplevel window or a child window.
  if splitY = TRUE the the window will be split into a top and bottom halves.

  on return
  tw becomes a child window of the newly created splitter.
  splitter has a clientType of SplitterClient.
      wndProc is the window procedure for this window.

PROCEDURE UnsplitWindow(splitter : WinShell.Window; keepChild : TextWindow);
   splitter must have a client type of SplitterClient.
   keepChild must currently be a child of the splitter window.
   If splitter is a top level window then keepChild becomes a top level window.
   Otherwise, keepChild becomes a child of the splitters parent.
   splitter is invalid after this call.

PROCEDURE ConvertTabChildToTopLevel(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;
(* convert the Tab child window to a Toplevel window.
   if the frame window has a toolbar and/or statusline the new
   toplevel window will create copies of these for itself.

PROCEDURE CycleActiveTabChild(tw : TextWindow; direction : INTEGER);
  tw must be an Tab child window.
  if direction > 0 then the next tab child becomes the active child window.
  if direction < 0 then the previous tab child becomes the active child window.

PROCEDURE CloseWindow(tw : TextWindow; mode : CloseModes) : BOOLEAN;
(* close an existing window. *)
(* mode = CM_REQUEST you are requesting that the window close.
          for example this can give a window a change to prompt for saving any
          unsaved changes and possibly aborting the close. *)
(* mode = CM_DICTATE the window *WILL* be closed *)
(* returns TRUE if the window is closing *)

PROCEDURE IsTextWindow(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the window handle passed in tw a valid window handle *)
(* for example a window might have been closed and a copy of the window *)
(* handle an application had stored somewhere may no longer be valid *)
(* returns TRUE if the window handle is a valid text window *)

PROCEDURE GetTextWindowType(tw : TextWindow) : WindowTypes;
(* return the WindowType of the window *)

PROCEDURE SetWindowBackground(tw : TextWindow;
                              background : ScreenAttribute);
(* set the background color for the specified window *)

PROCEDURE GetWindowFont(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT font : FontInfo);
(* get the font that is currently used by this window *)

PROCEDURE SetWindowFont(tw : TextWindow; font : FontInfo) : BOOLEAN;
(* set the font to be used for this window *)
(* returns TRUE if successful *)

PROCEDURE SetScrollRangeAllowed(tw : TextWindow;
                                which : WinAttr;
                                range : ScrollRange);
(* set the scroll range for the horizontal or vertical scroll bar *)
(* range is the upper end of the scroll range. the lower end is always zero. *)

PROCEDURE SetScrollRangesAllowed(tw : TextWindow;
                                 rangeX, rangeY : ScrollRange);
(* set the scroll range for both the horizontal and vertical scroll bar *)
(* rangeX and rangeY respectively. *)
(* rangeX and rangeY are the upper end of the scroll range. the lower end is
   always zero. *)

PROCEDURE SetPageSize(tw : TextWindow; x, y : ScrollRange);
(* set the granularity in character cells that a PAGE scroll *)
(* operation should move *)

PROCEDURE SetAutoScroll(tw : TextWindow; on : BOOLEAN);
(* windows are created with the scroll bars handled automatically *)
(* by this module, use this to disable and handle scroll bars manually *)
(* on = TRUE then scroll bars are handled by this module
             you will never receive a TWM_SCROLL message
             you will receive TWM_SCROLLNOTIFY messages when this module
             automatically scrolls the window
        FALSE then you will receive TWM_SCROLL messages and should perform
              appropriate actions for the messages
              you will not receive TWM_NOTIFYSCROLL messages *)

PROCEDURE SetMinClientSize(tw : TextWindow; x, y : COORDINATE);
(* set the minimum size in character cells the specified window *)
(* will be allowed to assume *)

PROCEDURE GetClientSize(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT x, y : COORDINATE);
(* get the current size of the text area in character cells of the *)
(* specified window *)

PROCEDURE SetClientSize(tw : TextWindow; x, y : COORDINATE);
(* set the current size of the text area in character cells of the *)
(* specified window *)

PROCEDURE SnapWindowToFont(tw : TextWindow; on : BOOLEAN);
(* TRUE = window client area will be sized so that only full characters *)
(* will be shown *)
(* FALSE = the bottom and/or right may have partial characters shown *)

PROCEDURE ResizeScreen(tw : TextWindow; xSize, ySize : COORDINATE) : BOOLEAN;
(* resize the screen buffer for the specified window *)
(* if the window was create with -1 buffer size values this call has no *)
(* effect. therefore only use this call on windows with fixed screen buffers *)
(* returns TRUE if successful *)

PROCEDURE RedirectMessage(tw : TextWindow; msg : TWMessageRec);
(* this call simply passes the message to the window specified *)
(* the window should be of the same thread as the window that received *)
(* the message originally. Everything should work if not, but problems *)
(* may occur. *)

PROCEDURE ScrollWindow(tw : TextWindow;
                       dir : ScrollDirection;
                       class  : ScrollClass;
                       pos : ScrollRange;
                       amount : COORDINATE);
(* scroll the window by the specified amount an direction *)
(* dir can be LEFT, RIGHT, UP or DOWN *)
(* class can be LINE, PAGE, ABSOLUTE or EXTREME *)
(* pos is only used with a class of ABSOLUTE *)
(* amount is used with LINE and PAGE and specifies how may scrolls to do *)
(* ABSOLUTE is used with UP or LEFT and pos. Where pos specifies a *)
(*          absolute virtual coordinate for the upper left coordinate *)
(*          of the text window *)
(* EXTREME is used with an ScrollDirection and position the screen *)
(*         at the extreme edge of the virtual coordinate space *)

PROCEDURE ScrollBuffer(tw : TextWindow;
                       dir : ScrollDirection;
                       amount : CARDINAL);
(* scroll the data held in the screen buffer *)
(* the virtual coordinates of the screen buffer will not change *)
(* in manual scrolling the coordinates of the  screen buffer never  *)
(* change since it is your code that is handling this *)
(* use this call when performing manual scrolling *)
(* this call simply moves the data in the screen buffer and generates a *)
(* paint message to fill in the resulting empty space *)

PROCEDURE MoveCaretTo(tw : TextWindow; x, y : COORDINATE);
(* move the caret to the specified location in character cells *)
(* a window need not have a caret for this function to work. *)
(* the position is remembered and is used if/when the caret is turned on *)

PROCEDURE GetCaretPos(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT x, y : COORDINATE);
  get the current position of the text caret

PROCEDURE IsCaretVisible(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;
(* is the caret visible (where the user can see it) within the current *)
(* window display *)
(* returns TRUE if the caret is visible *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE MakeCaretVisible(tw : TextWindow);
(* make sure the caret is visible within the current window display *)
(* any necessary scroll actions will be performed by calling *)
(* the ScrollWindow procedure *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE ComposeAttribute(fore, back : Colors;
                           style : FontStyleSet) : ScreenAttribute;
(* combine the various screen components into a screen attribute *)

PROCEDURE DecomposeAttribute(sc : ScreenAttribute;
                             VAR OUT fore, back : Colors;
                             VAR OUT style : FontStyleSet);
(* break a screen attribute into its various components *)

PROCEDURE PutStringAt(tw : TextWindow;
                      x, y : COORDINATE;
                      str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                      a : ScreenAttribute);
(* write the string at the specified position in character cells *)
(* output will be clipped if the text is/extends outside the screen buffer *)
(* x, y = the coordinates of the first character of the string to paint *)
(* str = the string to paint *)
(* a = the screen attribute to use when painting the text *)

PROCEDURE PutAttrAt(tw : TextWindow;
                    x, y : COORDINATE;
                    attr : ARRAY OF ScreenAttribute);
(* write the attributes at the specified position in character cells *)
(* the text remains unaltered, only the attribute is written *)
(* output will be clipped if the attributes are outside the screen buffer *)
(* x, y = the coordinates of the first character of the string to paint *)
(* attr = the attribute string to paint. the HIGH bound of the array
          determines the number of attributes to paint *)

PROCEDURE WriteString(tw : TextWindow;
                      str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                      a : ScreenAttribute);
(* write the string at the specified position in character cells *)
(* output will be clipped if the text is/extends outside the screen buffer *)
(* str = the string to paint *)
(* a = the screen attribute to use when painting the text *)
(* the text is written at the current caret position, and the x caret *)
(* position is advanced by the length of the string. *)

PROCEDURE WriteStringAt(tw : TextWindow;
                        x, y : COORDINATE;
                        str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                        a : ScreenAttribute);
(* this call has the same effect as *)
    MoveCaretTo(tw, x, y);
    WriteString(tw, str, a);

PROCEDURE WriteCellsAt(tw : TextWindow;
                       x, y : COORDINATE;
                       s : ARRAY OF Cell);
(* this call is like PutStringAt except you are writing whole character *)
(* rather than a string all with the same attribute. *)
(* the number of cells to write is determined by the HIGH bound of the *)
(* array of cells passed *)

PROCEDURE WriteCells(tw : TextWindow; s : ARRAY OF Cell);
(* this call is like WriteCellsAt except output is to the *)
(* current caret position *)

PROCEDURE WriteLn(tw : TextWindow);
(* place the caret at the beginning of the screen buffer for the *)
(* X coordinate and advance the Y coordinate by one position *)
(* may cause the screen to scroll if the Y coordinate is at the bottom *)
(* of the screen buffer *)
(* the caret position is advanced by this call *)

PROCEDURE EraseToEOL(tw : TextWindow; a : ScreenAttribute);
(* erase to the end of the screen buffer with spaces and the attribute *)
(* specified from the current caret position *)
(* the caret position is advanced by the call *)

PROCEDURE ChangeAttr(tw : TextWindow;
                     y, x1, x2 : COORDINATE;
                     a : ScreenAttribute);
(* change the attributes from coordinate x1 to x2 on coordinate y*)
(* output will be clipped if the range is/extends outside the screen buffer *)

PROCEDURE ReadBufferString(tw : TextWindow;
                           y, x1, x2 : COORDINATE;
                           VAR OUT str : ARRAY OF CHAR);
(* read data from the screen buffer maintained for the specified window *)
(* read from coordinate y from coordinate x1 to x2 *)
(* place the data into the parameter string *)
(* if x1..x2 is larger than the size of str then the range x1..x2 is reduced *)
(* to the size of str *)
(* the string will be null terminated if x1..x2 is smaller than the size *)
(* the parameter str *)

PROCEDURE RepaintRect(tw : TextWindow; rect : twRECT);
(* send yourself a TWM_PAINT message for the specified rectangle *)
(* the rectangle will be clipped to the size of the screen buffer if *)
(* necessary *)

PROCEDURE RepaintScreen(tw : TextWindow);
(* send yourself a TWM_PAINT message for the entire screen buffer *)

PROCEDURE MakeRowVisible(tw : TextWindow; y : COORDINATE);
(* make the specified row, y coordinate, visible in the display window *)
(* you may receive TWM_PAINT, TWM_SCROLL or TWM_NOTIFYSCROLL messages as a *)
(* result of this call *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE IsRectVisible(tw : TextWindow; theRect : twRECT) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if the entire specified rectangle visible in the window *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE MakeRectVisible(tw : TextWindow; theRect : twRECT);
(* make the specified rectangle visible in the window *)
(* you may receive TWM_PAINT, TWM_SCROLL or TWM_NOTIFYSCROLL messages as a *)
(* result of this call *)
(* if the rectange is larger than the current window size then as much *)
(* of the rectangle that can be made visible will be made visible *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE GetVisibleRect(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT theRect : twRECT);
(* retrieve the rectangle currently visible in the window in *)
(* virtual coordinates *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE GetBufferRect(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT theRect : twRECT);
(* retrieve the rectangle of the screen buffer in virtual coordinates *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE EraseScreen(tw : TextWindow; a : ScreenAttribute);
(* Erase the entire screen buffer with spaces and the given attribute *)

PROCEDURE EraseRect(tw : TextWindow; rect : twRECT; a : ScreenAttribute);
(* Erase the specified region with spaces and the specified attribute *)
(* output will be clipped if the rectangle is/extends outside the *)
(* screen buffer *)

PROCEDURE Xpos(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the X coordinate of the caret position in virtual coordinates *)

PROCEDURE Ypos(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the Y coordinate of the caret position in virtual coordinates *)

PROCEDURE Xorg(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the screen buffer *)
(* in virtual coordinates *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE Yorg(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the screen buffer *)
(* in virtual coordinates *)
(* manual scrolling windows have no use for this call *)

PROCEDURE Xmax(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the highest X coordinate of the screen buffer in virtual coordinates *)

PROCEDURE Ymax(tw : TextWindow) : COORDINATE;
(* the highest Y coordinate of the screen buffer in virtual coordinates *)

(* conversion routines to and from Virtual and Buffer coordinates *)
(* for example if you had an absolute screen coordinate and you wanted *)
(* to convert that to a text cell coordinate you would *)
    WinShell.ScreenToClient(GetWinShellHandle(tw), pt);
    ClientToBuffer(tw, pt);
    BufferToVirtual(tw, pt);
(* if you had a text window virtual coordinate and you wanted a screen pixel *)
    VirtualToBuffer(tw, pt);
    BufferToClient(tw, pt);
    WinShell.ClientToScreen(GetWinShellHandle(tw), pt);

PROCEDURE VirtualToBuffer(tw : TextWindow; VAR INOUT pt : twPOINT);

PROCEDURE BufferToVirtual(tw : TextWindow; VAR INOUT pt : twPOINT);

PROCEDURE ClientToBuffer(tw : TextWindow; VAR INOUT pt : twPOINT);
(* client pixel coordinates to text cell buffer coordinates *)

PROCEDURE BufferToClient(tw : TextWindow; VAR INOUT pt : twPOINT);
(* text cell buffer coordinates to client pixel coordinates *)

PROCEDURE GetColorTable(VAR OUT table : ColorTable);
(* get the table of colors used by this module *)
(* the table associates the color enumeration this module uses *)
(* with the RGB color information the operating system uses *)

PROCEDURE PaintOff(tw : TextWindow);
(* function for turning off the updating of the display per "write" call. *)
(* this will increase display updating performance dramatically. *)
(* Off and On calls can be nested, thus you must turn painting On for *)
(* every Off *)
(* Whenever a window receives a TWM_PAINT message painting is automatically *)
(* turned off for the duration of the PAINT message. *)
(* turn paint updates OFF.  the window remembers anything that needs *)
(* be repainted for when painting is again turned ON *)

PROCEDURE PaintOn(tw : TextWindow);
(* reverses a PaintOff call *)

PROCEDURE FlushPaint(tw : TextWindow);
(* if painting is off, flush all pending paint updates to the screen *)
(* if painting is on this call has no effect *)

PROCEDURE IsPaintOn(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;
(* returns TRUE if paint updates is currently on for the specified window *)

PROCEDURE GetWinShellHandle(tw : TextWindow) : WinShell.Window;
(* get the WinShell window handle for the text window in question *)

PROCEDURE FindTextWindow(w : WinShell.Window) : TextWindow;
(* find the text window associated with the WinShell handle *)


(* Stuff TextWindows simply re-exports from WinShell. *)
(* these procedures take a text window handle and just transfer the *)
(* call to the appropriate WinShell procedure of the same name *)
(* coordinates and sizes are in pixels for these calls, not character cells *)
(* as "native" TextWindows API calls *)

PROCEDURE Beep(beep : Beeps);

PROCEDURE SetDisplayMode(tw : TextWindow; dispMode : DisplayModes);

PROCEDURE GetDisplayMode(tw : TextWindow) : DisplayModes;

PROCEDURE SetWindowEnable(tw : TextWindow; enabled : BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE IsMinimized(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE IsMaximized(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetWindowTitle(tw : TextWindow; title : ARRAY OF CHAR);

PROCEDURE SendUserMessage(tw : TextWindow;
                          userId : CARDINAL; userData : ADDRESS);
PROCEDURE PostUserMessage(tw : TextWindow;
                          userId : CARDINAL; userData : ADDRESS);

PROCEDURE IsUserMessageWaiting(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE CaretOn(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE CaretOff(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE ShowCaret(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE HideCaret(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE SetCaretType(tw : TextWindow; ct : CaretTypes);

PROCEDURE SetScrollBarPos(tw : TextWindow;
                          which : WinAttr;
                          pos : ScrollRange);

PROCEDURE SetWindowData(tw : TextWindow;
                        index : CARDINAL;
                        data : ADDRESS) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetWindowDataNum(tw : TextWindow;
                           index : CARDINAL;
                           data : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE GetWindowData(tw : TextWindow;
                        index : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;
PROCEDURE GetWindowDataNum(tw : TextWindow;
                           index : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;

PROCEDURE GetWindowSize(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT width, height : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE SetWindowSize(tw : TextWindow; width, height : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE GetWindowPos(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT x, y : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE SetWindowPos(tw : TextWindow; x, y : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE CascadeWindow(cascadeThis, onThis : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE SetWindowIsBusy(tw : TextWindow; busy : BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE GetWindowDisplayInfo(tw : TextWindow; VAR OUT info : WindowDisplayInfo);

PROCEDURE SetWindowDisplayInfo(tw : TextWindow; info : WindowDisplayInfo);

PROCEDURE SetScrollDisableWhenNone(tw : TextWindow; yesH, yesV : BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE SetActiveTabChild(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE SetTabChildPosition(tw : TextWindow; index : CARDINAL);

PROCEDURE GetForegroundWindow() : TextWindow;

PROCEDURE SetForegroundWindow(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE CreateStatusLine(tw : TextWindow; fmt : ARRAY OF INTEGER) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE RemoveStatusLine(tw :TextWindow);

PROCEDURE SetStatusFormat(tw :TextWindow; fmt : ARRAY OF INTEGER);

PROCEDURE WriteStatusField(tw :TextWindow;
                           field : CARDINAL;
                           text : ARRAY OF CHAR);

PROCEDURE SetWindowIcon(tw : TextWindow; icon : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetWindowCursor(tw : TextWindow; typ : CursorTypes);

PROCEDURE SetWindowMenu(tw : TextWindow; menu : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetMenuItemEnable(tw : TextWindow; id : CARDINAL; state : BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE GetMenuItemEnable(tw : TextWindow; id : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetMenuItemCheck(tw : TextWindow; id : CARDINAL; state : BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE GetMenuItemCheck(tw : TextWindow; id : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE SetMenuItemRadioCheck(tw : TextWindow;
                                first, last, set : CARDINAL);

PROCEDURE GetMenuItemRadioCheck(tw : TextWindow;
                                first, last : CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;

PROCEDURE GetWindowMenu(tw : TextWindow) : MenuHandle;

PROCEDURE LoadMenu(tw : TextWindow;
                   menuId : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                   popup : BOOLEAN) : MenuHandle;

PROCEDURE AppendMenuItemStr(tw : TextWindow;
                            menuH : MenuHandle;
                            str : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                            id : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE AppendMenuItemSeparator(tw : TextWindow; menuH : MenuHandle) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE DeleteMenuItemPosition(menuH : MenuHandle; pos : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE PopupMenuHandle(tw : TextWindow;
                          menuH : MenuHandle;
                          button : MouseButton;
                          x, y : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE PopupMenu(tw : TextWindow;
                    menuId : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                    button : MouseButton;
                    x, y : COORDINATE);

PROCEDURE SetTimer(tw : TextWindow; timerId : CARDINAL; interval : CARDINAL);

PROCEDURE KillTimer(tw : TextWindow; timerId : CARDINAL);

PROCEDURE OpenClipboard(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE CloseClipboard(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE EmptyClipboard(tw : TextWindow) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE ClipboardFormatAvailable(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE AllocClipboardMemory(size : CARDINAL) : ADDRESS;

PROCEDURE UnlockClipboardMemory;

PROCEDURE SetClipboard(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE GetClipboard(fmt : ClipboardFormat) : ADDRESS;

PROCEDURE CreateToolbar(tw : TextWindow;
                        buttons : ARRAY OF ToolbarButtonInfo;
                        hasText : BOOLEAN;
                        hasHelp : BOOLEAN;
                        canCustomize : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE DestroyToolbar(tw : TextWindow);

PROCEDURE SetToolbarButtons(tw : TextWindow; fmt : ARRAY OF CARDINAL);

PROCEDURE GetToolbarButtons(tw : TextWindow;
                            VAR OUT fmt : ARRAY OF CARDINAL) : CARDINAL;

PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonShown(tw : TextWindow; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonDown(tw : TextWindow; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE IsToolbarButtonEnabled(tw : TextWindow; index : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE ShowToolbarButton(tw : TextWindow;
                            index : CARDINAL;
                            show : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE ToggleToolbarButton(tw : TextWindow;
                              index : CARDINAL;
                              down : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE EnableToolbarButton(tw : TextWindow;
                              index : CARDINAL;
                              enable : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;

PROCEDURE DisplayHelp(tw : TextWindow;
                      command : HelpCommand;
                      helpFile : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                      helpIndex : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;

END TextWindows.

© Norman Black, Stony Brook Software. Reproduced with permission.