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ISO Modula-2 Modules

Utility and information modules

SysClockFacilities for accessing a system clock that records the date and time of day
StringsFacilities for manipulating strings
CharClassClassification of values of the type CHAR
StorageFacilities for dynamically allocating and deallocating storage
ProgramArgsAccess to program arguments
GeneralUserExceptions Provides facilities for general user-defined exceptions

Number/text conversion

ConvTypesCommon types used in the string conversion modules.
WholeStrWhole-number/string conversions
RealStrREAL/string conversions
LongStrLONGREAL/string conversions
WholeConvLow-level whole-number/string conversions
RealConvLow-level REAL/string conversions
LongConvLow-level LONGREAL/string conversions

Mathematics library

RealMathMathematical functions for the type REAL
LongMathMathematical functions for the type LONGREAL
ComplexMathMathematical functions for the type COMPLEX
LongComplexMathMathematical functions for the type LONGCOMPLEX
LowLongAccess to underlying properties of the type LONGREAL
LowRealAccess to underlying properties of the type REAL

Standard channels, constants

StdChansAccess to standard and default channels
ChanConstsCommon types and values for channel open requests and results.
IOConstsTypes and constants for input/output modules
IOLinkTypes and procedures for the standard implementation of channels

IO on specified channels

IOResultRead results for specified channels
IOChanTypes and procedures forming the interface to channels for device-independent data transfer modules
RawIOReading and writing data over specified channels using raw operations, that is, with no conversion or interpretation.
TextIOInput and output of character and string types over specified channels.
WholeIOInput and output of whole numbers in decimal text form over specified channels.
RealIOInput and output of real numbers in decimal text form over specified channels.
LongIOInput and output of long real numbers in decimal text form over specified channels.

IO on standard channels

SIOResultRead results for the default input channel
SRawIOReading and writing data over default channels using raw operations, that is, with no conversion or interpretation.
STextIOInput and output of character and string types over default channels.
SWholeIOInput and output of whole numbers in decimal text form over default channels.
SRealIOInput and output of real numbers in decimal text form over default channels.
SLongIOInput and output of long real numbers in decimal text form using default channels.

Files and devices

SeqFileRewindable sequential files
RndFileRandom access files
StreamFileIndependent sequential data streams
TermFileAccess to the terminal device


ProcessesThis module allows concurrent algorithms to be expressed using processes. A process is a unit of a program that has the potential to run in parallel with other processes.
SemaphoresProvides mutual exclusion facilities for use by processes.

System modules

SYSTEMGives access to system programming facilities that are probably non portable.
COROUTINESFacilities for coroutines and the handling of interrupts
EXCEPTIONSProvides facilities for raising user exceptions and for making enquiries concerning the current execution state.
TERMINATIONProvides facilities for enquiries concerning the occurrence of termination events.
M2EXCEPTIONProvides facilities for identifying language exceptions