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Modula-2 to Free Pascal translator

By Jean-Pierre Dezaire


M1L (Modula First Language) is a translator from Modula 2 (PIM only) to Free Pascal / Turbo Pascal 7.This PGM is by no way mature, but it can be used.

Two EXE are included in this archive:

  • One for OS2 / ECom Station
  • The other for WINDOWS 32bits - the later one run also on top of Odin / PEC, an emulator of Win32 on OS2 - it is possible that it will execute itself on others emulators - don't know ...just test it.

The Modula sources included (Z,FOO,Bar), have absolutly no utility else than show what you can translate with M1L.

The output files will compile with the invocation "FPC Z -Mtp" an give a runable Z.EXE ...The option (-Mtp) is necesary because there is a PROC/FUNC assignement that else will give an error.

Toy with those files and others of your own ... and have fun.

AS USUAL "I hope this application will be useful", "NO WARANTY AT ALL", "YOUR OWN AND ENTIRE RESPONSABILITY"


Jean-Pierre Dezaire


Strasbourg (France) January 2007


Download M1L_01A.ZIP (updated 14 Jan 2007)