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Download ADW Modula-2

Download the most recent version of the compiler ADWM2Setup.exe (Jan 7, 2022)

Example modules

Clockclock.zipWindows programThis program displays an analog clock in a window.
Window splitterwindowsplitter.zipWindows programThis program illustrates the splitter control.
Generic Windowgeneric.zipWindows programA generic Windows program.
Scratch programscratch.zipWindows programTranslation of Raymond Chen's Scratch program. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/
Dhrystonedhrystone_benchmark.zipBenchmarkDhrystone benchmark.
Whetstonewhetstone_benchmark.zipBenchmarkWhetstone benchmark.
Genericsgenerics.zipDemoIllustrates the use of Modula-2 GENERIC modules.
RealSpeedTestrealspeedtest.zipDemoWhat takes longer: calculations with REAL or LONGREAL?